
  • 网络Social historiography
  1. 它的书名融理性与诗性为一体,以戏谑手法暗示一种人类社会发展史观。

    Its title is poetical and philosophical to hint jocosely at certain historical idea of the development of human society .

  2. 晚清社会文化与民间史观

    Late Qing Social Culture and Popular Historical Conceptions

  3. 构建和谐社会理论是唯物史观的创造性应用和发展

    The Theory of Constructing Harmonious Society : the Creative Application and Development of Historical Materialism

  4. 城市公共空间的价值问题贯穿了西方社会空间哲学和社会发展史观的一系列核心价值领域。

    Problem of the value of urban public space runs through a series of core values of the Western social space philosophy and history of social development .

  5. 马克思普照的光的思想是唯物吏观社会生产理论的核心组成部分,同时也是马克思考察、分析人类社会,建构唯物史观的最基本的方法。

    Marx'thinking of illuminated lights is nuclear ingredient of social producing theory in historical viewpoint of materialism . Also it is the basic method for Marx to research and analyze human society in order to build historical viewpoint of materialism .