
  • 网络new scientist
  1. 「新科学家」杂志报导,当颜料挥发时,释出了不同的分子。

    According to the report in " New Scientist " magazine , different types of molecules are released when paints evaporate .

  2. 崔博士的研究成果被刊登在本周新科学家杂志最显著的部分,崔博士以前曾说过,可以用对癌症有免疫力的老鼠细胞来治疗患癌症的普通老鼠。

    Dr Cui , whose work is highlighted in this week 's New Scientist magazine , has previously shown cells from mice found to be immune to cancer can be used to cure ordinary mice with tumours .

  3. Balazs告诉新科学家们“微聚体因为不能在表面移动而停下来”。

    The microcapsules will stop because they can 't move onto that surface .

  4. 如今根据英国「新科学家」杂志刊载的一篇专文,位于马德里的西班牙科学研究委员会研究人员,已找到了克服这个问题的方法:那就是使用「会吸的」雷射,使古画保持原貌。

    According to an article in the " new scientist " magazine , researchers at Spanish Council for scientific research in Madrid found a solution to overcome the problem : that is , use a " sniffing " laser to preserve the original look of an old painting .

  5. 也许有一天,托这些新晋科学家的福,我们有可能有足够的知识而比较精确地在品鉴辞中使用矿物质(mineral)这个词汇。

    One day , thanks to our new scientists , we may know enough to use the tasting term mineral with some precision .

  6. 也许有一天,托这些新晋科学家的福,我们有可能有足够的知识而比较精确地在品鉴辞中使用“矿物质(mineral)”这个词汇。

    One day , thanks to our new scientists , we may know enough to use the tasting term " mineral " with some precision .

  7. 我们每年都有新的科学家加入研究队伍,但科学研究的增长率确实在放缓,而越来越多的研究要依赖大型团队。

    We are still adding new scientists every year , but the rate of growth has slowed and science is increasingly being done by large teams .

  8. 但是,在新学派科学家看来,这件事中真正重要的因素是制造镜片的机械长期以来不断的改进和发展。

    But the real hero of the story , according to the new school of scientists , was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eyeglasses .

  9. 每位新的科学家将获得去英国文化协会学习参观的资格,并且有机会把他们的研究工作在皇家协会展示。

    One of the Fresh Scientists will win a study tour to the UK courtesy of the British Council and have the opportunity to present their work at the Royal Institution .

  10. 新一代科学家对恐龙研究着了迷。

    A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs .

  11. 中国正在造就新一代科学家。

    China is building up a new generation of scientists .

  12. 这个计划是由Drayson提出的,他热衷于赛车(赛车爱好者)。该计划是个项目,用来激励新一代科学家和工程师,而这些人是现在英国最短缺的(人才)。

    The plan was put forward by Drayson , a racing car enthusiast , as a project to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers , who are in desperately short supply in the UK .

  13. 鉴于研究的新发现,科学家可能必须修改目前接受的理论。

    In light fo the new research findings , scientists may have to change accepted theories .

  14. 根据一项新报告,科学家们认为未来将有可能记录下人类的梦境并加以解释。

    Scientists think it will be possible to record people 's dreams and then interpret them , according to a new report .

  15. 无论你是得到新发现的科学家还是奋战于满足边缘人群需求最前线的人

    Whether you are a scientist with a new discovery , or working in the trenches to understand the needs of the most marginalized ,

  16. 并且承诺打击无知,指导健全的决策,为科学争取更多的支持,同时鼓励和招募新的青年科学家。

    And it promises to combat ignorance , guide sound policymaking , and garner more support for science , while simultaneously inspiring and recruiting new young scientists .

  17. 但我认为创造出新分子的科学家和化学家应该担心那些分子的用途,可能有人会将之用于不当用途。

    But I think that scientists and chemists who make new molecules should worry about the potential use and misuse by others of the molecules they make .

  18. 我们将化学定义为:在人们中,处理物质间化学变化,并且此变化可能会产生一个新物质的科学家。

    We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new stance .

  19. 目标是开发结核病新疗法的科学家把散落的结核分枝杆菌的遗传信息集合在一起的一种独特的努力已经发现了首个候选药物分子。

    A unique effort by scientists to pull together scattered genetic information about the tuberculosis ( TB ) bug , with the goal of developing new remedies , has identified its first candidate molecule .

  20. 但当进行新研究的科学家们让视频游戏玩家估计游戏能在多大程度上改善他们的思维能力时,玩家的估计几乎和玩后的认知测试的加分完全吻合。

    But when scientists in the new study asked video-game players to estimate by how much the games would improve their thinking , the players ' estimates almost exactly matched the gains seen on cognitive tests after playing .

  21. 无论你是收获新发现的科学家,还是在深沟中了解社会最边缘人的需求,你都在为人类相互间的协作做出惊人的突破。

    Whether you are a scientist with a new discovery , or working in the trenches to understand the needs of the most marginalized , you are advancing amazing breakthroughs in what human beings can do for each other .

  22. 伯奎斯特说,据对有关维生素C和感冒的研究进行的最新回顾显示,科学家们发现,每日定期服用200毫克维生素C的人,若在感冒后持续服用这样高剂量的维生素C,能够降低感冒的严重程度,缩短病程。

    Go Steady on the C According to the most recent review of studies on vitamin C and colds , Dr. Bergquist says , scientists find that people who regularly take 200 milligrams a day of the vitamin can decrease the severity and duration of a cold by continuing to take that high dose .

  23. 利用最新技术,中国科学家已能在温室种植蔬菜。

    Using the latest technologies , Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses .

  24. 每个非洲国家都应该用教育改革来支持新一代的科学家。

    Every African nation should use education reforms to support a new generation of scientists .

  25. 作为一种新的尝试,科学家们给被睡眠窒息症困扰的人们开出了这种药片。

    Scientists are giving sleep apnoea sufferers the tablets as part of a new trial .

  26. 而对于这样一款新应用程序,科学家们在碳纳米管制成的电线回路加上了链接。

    For the new application , the scientists added links to the circuit made of carbon nanotubes .

  27. 它也需要新一代的科学家教育在什么构成适当的科学的行为。

    It also requires a new generation of scientists to be educated in what constitutes proper scientific conduct .

  28. 新的条例允许科学家在实验中使用生殖医疗中心弃用的人类受精卵。

    The new rules permit scientists to experiment with fertilized human eggs not used by fertility medical centers .

  29. 这项最新研究观点使科学家们置疑是否虫洞可能存在于不同的普通恒星和中子星。比如:那些正常的恒星和中子星。

    This idea led the scientists to wonder if wormholes might exist in otherwise ordinary stars and neutron stars .

  30. 新技术技术使科学家们能够详细研究昆虫如何飞行以及它们翅翼的构造。

    New technology allows scientists to study how an insect flies and the design of its wings in detail .