
xīn ɡú diǎn zhǔ yì
  • neoclassicism
  1. 结语总结了文艺复兴与法国新古典主义的艺术特点。

    The conclusion summarizes artistic characteristics of the Renaissance and the French neoclassicism .

  2. 尤其是它们并不是介于激进主义和新古典主义之间的中间地带。

    In particular , they are not a " middle ground " between radicalism and neoclassicism .

  3. 该建筑建于1798至1802年间,属于当时的新古典主义建筑风格。

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time .

  4. 最早的建筑是新古典主义风格的白色大理石建筑,20世纪70年代加入了一个野兽派建筑&曼顿研究中心(MantonResearchCenter)。

    The original neo-Classical-style white marble building was joined by a 1970s Brutalist structure , the Manton Research Center .

  5. 他的新古典主义音乐在浪子的历程一部歌剧中达到顶点,该剧剧本由现代主义诗人W。

    Stravinsky 's neo-classicism culminated with his opera Rake 's Progress , with the book done by the well known modernist poet , W.

  6. Hugo怀疑新古典主义的观众会对这种新的形式以及它所代表的想法持有敌意。

    Hugo suspected that neoclassical audiences would be hostile to this new form and the ideas it represented .

  7. 内部重装修的设计者来自伦敦的RichmondInternational建筑设计事务所,他们意在重建(至少在建筑精神上)酒店原先那些气势恢弘的新古典主义风格的公共区域。

    The designers of its new interiors , London-based Richmond International , have aimed to recreate the imposing neoclassical public areas of the original building , at least in spirit .

  8. 而这就意味着Hugo反对法国戏剧从希腊话剧中继承的新古典主义三一律。

    And what this meant is that Hugo opposed the neoclassical unities that French theater had inherited from Greek drama .

  9. Hugo的朋友们和支持者即浪漫主义者们和守旧派的支持者们——新古典主义者之间的争辩。

    between Hugo 's friends and supporters , the Romantics , and the Neoclassicists , the supporters of the old school .

  10. 它那带有多立克(Doric)柱的新古典主义殖民地风格建筑,让它看起来非常宏伟。

    Its neo-classical colonial architecture with tall Doric columns , gives it a majestic look .

  11. 在哈佛(harvard)做学者时,他的导师是迈克尔桑德尔,而他的影子财相埃德鲍尔斯(edballs)在哈佛却师从新古典主义经济学家拉里萨默斯(larrysummers)。

    When a scholar at Harvard , his mentor was Michael Sandel in contrast to his shadow chancellor , ed balls , whose Harvard mentor was the neo-classical economist Larry Summers .

  12. 20世纪初,伟大的新古典主义经济学家欧文费雪(IrvingFisher)甚至是在物理学家的指导下撰写的自己的博士论文。本次危机期间,人们重新发现了费雪上世纪30年代作品的价值。

    Irving Fisher , the great neoclassical economist whose 1930s work has been rediscovered during this crisis , even wrote his doctoral thesis at the turn of the 20th century under the supervision of a physicist .

  13. 这些代言人看来对一百年来宏观经济学领域的一些理论观点知之甚少。凯恩斯主义者似乎并未研究过凯恩斯(Keynes),而新古典主义者或者误读、或者根本不读哈耶克(Hayek)。

    These spokesmen show little knowledge of the several theoretical perspectives in macroeconomics over the past 100 years . The Keynesians seem not to have studied Keynes and the neoclassicals misread or do not read Hayek .

  14. 在上海最著名的大街&外滩(Bund),新古典主义建筑的门面依次排开,任何在维多利亚繁荣时期兴建的英国工业城镇里长大的人都不会对它们感到陌生。

    There is the Bund , Shanghai 's most famous street , lined with neo - classical facades that will be familiar to anyone who grew up in a British industrial town built on Victorian prosperity .

  15. 无套利均衡是新古典主义理论在特定条件下所界定的市场均衡特征。

    Non-arbitrage equilibrium is the characteristic defined by the new classicalism .

  16. 韦尔申是东北新古典主义画家群中的代表。

    Wei Ershen is a representative of the northeastern classicalist painters .

  17. 古典与现代完美结合的“新古典主义家具风格”。

    Neoclassicist style furniture that combines classical style and modern style .

  18. 感伤的优美&曹文轩新古典主义风格论

    The grace of sad & On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan

  19. 新古典主义建筑在中国和西方

    Buildings of " Neo - classicism " in China and Western

  20. 马克思主义与新古典主义增长理论的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Marxist and Neo - Classical Growth Theory

  21. 古典主义与新古典主义音乐中的英雄主义风格研究

    The Study on the Heroism-styles between Classical Music and Neo-classical Music

  22. 现代新古典主义的一次有益尝试&广西建设大厦简介

    A Try of New Classicism The Architectural Design of Guangxi Construction Tower

  23. 对发展经济学中新古典主义复兴的一般评议

    On Appraisal of Revival of New Classicism in Developmental Economics

  24. 风砂岩&构建新古典主义餐饮空间

    Mantle of Rock & Forming Dining Space of Neoclassic style

  25. 这是新古典主义巴洛克风格的创作。

    This is yet another example of the late neoclassic baroque period .

  26. 十八世纪末法国新古典主义建筑的理性

    Reason of French Neo-Classicism Architecture at the End of the 18th Century

  27. 而新古典主义经济学是以有效市场理论为基础的。

    But Neoclassicism economics is based on Efficient Market Theory .

  28. 作为新古典主义大师安格尔的绘画中充满了理性思维的色彩。

    Rational thinking as a neo-classical master Ingres painting full of color .

  29. 这种错误并没有使新古典主义经济学理论变得简单。

    This error does not make neoclassical economic theory simple .

  30. 新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。

    Neo-classical art held dear nature , classicism and imitation .