
  • 网络new market;Neuer Markt;Neumarkt;market
  1. 与飞利浦公司的交易也使斯巴克得以进入一个新市场——消费类电子产品。

    The Philips deal also gives Sparc a foot in the door of a new market — consumer electronics .

  2. 两家公司决定牵手开拓新市场。

    The two companies have decided to join hands to open up new market .

  3. 今年这家公司一直试图打入新市场。

    This year the company has been trying to penetrate new markets .

  4. 应在支票/邮政汇票上画线,并使之可用于新市场促销活动的支付。

    Cheques / postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions .

  5. 大公司很难转向新市场,因为把现有的资产投放到新业务上是要经受住一定诱惑的。

    Large companies have a difficult time switching to new markets because there is a temptation to put existing assets into the new businesses .

  6. IPO筹得的资金将用于推动向新市场的扩张。

    The IPO funds would be used to fuel expansion into new markets .

  7. 宣布上述消息的同时,谷歌也将Android系统推向了一系列新市场。

    The announcements came as Google pushed Android into a range of new markets .

  8. 这一愿景已将Android带入了一系列新市场,从智能家电到汽车。

    This has taken Android into a broad array of new markets , from smart home appliances to cars .

  9. 然而如果是一位新CEO的话,他可能会继续扩张,来证明他有向新市场进行扩张的能力。

    A new CEO may have continued to push forward to prove his or her ability to expand into new markets .

  10. 另外,为抓住e化的脚步及开拓新市场产品,也积极导入创新的行销模式。

    In order to keep abreast of thee-transformation progress and to launch products into the new markets , we have been aggressively exploiting the innovative marketing system .

  11. 通过实行业务多样化,推出新服务,进军新市场,百度在很多方面一直在仿效谷歌(google),而此举只是其中最新一个。

    The announcement is the latest in a series of moves by Baidu to emulate US model Google by diversifying into new services and markets .

  12. 关于iPad的销售与新市场:库克称,iPad在90个国家销售。

    Question about iPad distribution rollout and new markets . Cook : We are in90 countries with iPad .

  13. 这一愿景已将Android带入了一系列新市场,从“智能”家电到汽车。

    This has taken Android into a broad array of new markets , from " smart " home appliances to cars .

  14. 同时原有的一些渠道研究理论不能完全适用于3G时代来临背景下的新市场环境。

    Meanwhile the old channel research results are not applicable for the new market environment with the context of the coming 3G era .

  15. 出现了下载和测试有用程序和数据文件的新市场,比如用于购买和下载音乐的AndroidMarket和AmazonMP3Market。

    New markets cropped up for downloading and testing useful programs and data files , such as the Android Market and the Amazon MP3 Market for purchasing and downloading music .

  16. 作为资本市场的新市场,OTC市场会计研究还是一个空白点。

    As new markets of capital markets , the research on accounting of OTC market is still a blank spot .

  17. BPM的一个常见目标是开拓新市场或地区,加速新产品或服务的推出。

    A frequent objective of BPM is to enable reaching new markets or regions , and to accelerate the introduction of new products or offerings .

  18. Xen与KVM在不断发展,通过新的功能来满足具有容错需求的新市场。

    Xen and KVM continue to evolve , with new features addressing new markets like those requiring fault tolerance .

  19. 《财富》(Fortune)有幸采访到詹睿妮,挖掘了更多相关信息:关于她的公司对新市场的愿景、公司未来面临的竞争,以及可穿戴设备要想真正蓬勃发展还需要什么。

    Fortune caught up with James to find out more about her company 's vision for the newish market , the competition and what needs to happen for wearables to really take off .

  20. 而丰田汽车(Toyota)等其它公司,则从更为战略化的角度看待产品开发的外包,以帮助开拓新市场,提高整体生产效率和质量。

    Others , such as Toyota , see the offshoring of product development in more strategic terms to help open up new markets and boost overall productivity and quality .

  21. 中国是WWE至关重要的新市场。

    China is a crucial new market for the entertainment company .

  22. 随着我国加入WTO,电信行业逐步开放,市场竞争也越来越激烈,保留老客户、开拓新市场已经成为我国电信企业赖以生存的关键。

    As China became a member of WTO , Chinese telecommunication industry is opening , and the competition is getting much fiercer . Sustaining old customer and exploring new market is now the key to survive of Chinese telecommunication companies .

  23. 阿联酋国家迪拜的AlNassma是世界上第一个用骆驼奶制作巧克力的品牌,该公司总经理本周二表示计划向阿拉伯、欧洲、日本和美国拓展新市场。

    Dubai 's Al Nassma , the world 's first brand of chocolate made with camels ' milk , plans to expand into new Arab markets , Europe , Japan and the United States , its general manager said Tuesday .

  24. 要想在苹果帅位待上十年,他必须比在新市场开发iPhone潜力更进一步:他必须推出属于他自己的出人意料的产品。

    To achieve a decade at the helm , he must go further than exploiting the iPhone 's potential in new markets : he has to deliver an unexpected product of his own .

  25. iAd标志着苹果首次进入这一潜在的厚利新市场,将正面冲击谷歌的搜索引擎广告模式。

    IAd marks Apple 's first foray into a potentially lucrative new market , and pits it directly against Google 's search engine advertising model .

  26. 荷兰茶叶交易商VanRees在其最新市场报告中称,预计茶叶价格将短暂休整一番,到冬季将再次上涨。

    In its most recent market report , Van Rees , a Dutch tea trader , said it expected prices to take a breather before taking off again for winter .

  27. 本周,中国将推出外界期待已久的纳斯达克(Nasdaq)式创业板股票市场。有28家公司将在这一新市场上市,包括中国首家上市电影公司。

    China will this week launch its long-awaited Nasdaq-style stock market with 28 companies lined up to list on the new exchange , including China 's first listed film company .

  28. FSA只对一桩机构市场舞弊事件成功采取了强制措施,同时仍在打造一个名为Sabre2的新市场监控系统。

    The FSA has brought only one successful enforcement case for institutional market abuse and is still working on a new market monitoring system known as Sabre 2 .

  29. 中国将是Gap十多年来直接进入的第一个新市场,自从2007年推出特许经营模式以来,该公司在中东、亚洲其他地区和东欧都采取了这种模式。

    The China store will be the first new market that Gap has entered directly for more than a decade , rather than through the franchising model , launched in 2007 , that it is using in the Middle East , Asia and eastern Europe .

  30. 然而各国在农业问题上的立场并非不可调和,这要求欧盟(EU)将平均关税削减幅度提高到接近发展中国家要求的水平,并确保我们在最敏感的进口产品方面实现真正的新市场准入。

    Yet the positions in agriculture are not irreconcilable . They require that the European Union lift its average tariff cut close to that requested by the developing countries and ensure that we offer real new market access on our most sensitive import products .