
zǔ fén
  • ancestral grave
祖坟 [zǔ fén]
  • [ancestral grave] 祖宗的坟墓

祖坟[zǔ fén]
  1. 我们把他的遗体安放在他的祖坟中吧。

    Let us rest his body in his family grave .

  2. 我们有传家宝有祖坟还有盔饰

    We have monuments and vaults and crests and all ...

  3. 他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。

    He wished to be interred in the family grave .

  4. 金斯比尔的祖坟就算是家族遗产了

    A family vault at Kingsbere is the extent of your legacy .

  5. 此刻他安静地躺在祖坟中。

    Now he slept quietly with his fathers .

  6. 清明是一个传统节日,强调拜祭祖坟。

    Qingming ( Pure Brightness ) is a traditional festival highlighted by worship at ancestral graves .

  7. 被逼得无路可走,我祖父在祖坟旁的一棵树上吊死了。

    Driven to desperation , my grandfather hanged himself on a tree beside our ancestral graves .

  8. 也许有人会问,不是说清明节的主要活动是祭扫祖坟吗?

    Some might feel puzzled about what has turned this tomb sweeping event into such a joyous occasion .

  9. 他总是希望衣锦还乡、寿终正寝,最后葬入祖坟。

    His hope is always to come back rich , to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried .

  10. 一路上看到田野里火光点点,处处有人在自家祖坟前磕头。

    As we rode on , I saw more fires flaring from the fields and everywhere men knocking their heads on the ground before their ancestral tombs .

  11. 而清明植树,其实也是传统的沿袭,只是古人只在祖坟植树,而今则扩大了范围。

    It used to be a custom to plant a few new trees around the family graves , but nowadays people tend to plant tress in a larger area .

  12. 韩亚力表示,这块土地上约有80座坟墓,“挖祖坟可是一个非常敏感的问题,尤其当你是外国人时”。

    The land housed some 80 graves , and " digging up grandma is a very sensitive issue , especially if you are a foreigner , " Mr Hines says .

  13. 第二天,由于事不宜迟,犹大的部队便出去收殓阵亡的尸体,好把他们安葬在祖坟里,与亲族在一起。

    The next day the companions of Judas went to take away the bodies of the dead ( it was urgent to do it ) and buried them with their relatives in the tombs of their fathers .

  14. 苔丝不像红衣主教那样能够阅读教会拉丁文,但是她知道这儿是她祖坟的墓门,墓里面埋的是她的父亲举杯歌咏的那些身材高大的骑士。

    Tess did not read Church-Latin like a Cardinal , but she knew that this was the door of her ancestral sepulchre , and that the tall knights of whom her father had chanted in his cups lay inside .