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zǔ xiān
  • ancestors;ancestry;father;forefathers;forebear;progenitor;descent;antecedent
祖先 [zǔ xiān]
  • (1) [ancestry;ancestors;forebears;forefathers]∶民族或家族较早的上代

  • (2) [forefather;progenity]∶演化成现代生物的古代生物

祖先[zǔ xiān]
  1. 他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。

    His ancestors had come to America from Ireland .

  2. 他天生擅长交际:他的祖先曾是封建领主。

    Diplomacy was in his blood : his ancestors had been feudal lords

  3. 这三种生物从同一祖先进化而来。

    The three species evolved from a single ancestor .

  4. 我将回到祖先的土地上。

    I 'll come back to the land of my forebears .

  5. 他也是尼加拉瓜7任总统的祖先。

    He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua .

  6. 斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。

    Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren .

  7. 她的中国朋友们说这位女皇是他们值得敬仰的祖先。

    Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor .

  8. 她的祖先在世纪之交时来到洛杉矶。

    Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century .

  9. 他们决意回到祖先的土地上。

    They were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers .

  10. 我的祖先已在这个农场生活了好几代。

    My ancestors have lived on this farm for many generations .

  11. 你一定要比你祖先做得更好。

    You must do much better than your progenitors .

  12. 我们的祖先最先发明了火药。

    Our forefathers were the first to invent gunpowder .

  13. 我们的祖先只凭双手改造自然。

    Our ancestors merely made use of their hands to change nature .

  14. 自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

    From ancient times our forefathers have laboured , lived and multiplied on this land .

  15. 这一带海岸仍将到处有我们祖先的英灵出没。

    These shores will still swarm with the dead of my people .

  16. 这是我们祖先的土地。

    This is the land of our father .

  17. 他是威尔士人,有着他祖先那种暗黑和粗犷健美的外貌。

    He was welsh , with the dark , stormy good looks of his ancestors .

  18. 我已为我的祖先报了仇。

    I have avenged my ancestors .

  19. 所有的梨亚科是由两个远缘祖先类型双杂交演化的异源多倍体。

    All the Pomoideae were allopolyploids derived from a doubled hybrid between two remote ancestral types .

  20. 她已拜过她的祖先。

    She has worshiped her ancestor .

  21. 在这块土地上,我们的祖先一代一代地辛勤劳动,创造出灿烂的文化。

    Generation after generation , our forefathers worked hard and created a splendid culture on this land of ours .

  22. 生产和运输食品的现代技术使得食品更加多样化,数量更丰富,包括可购买的动物蛋白以及乳制品数量的大幍增加,这使得我们比自己的祖先更加有活力。

    Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity , including a tremendous increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available , making us more vigorous than our ancestors .

  23. 我们祖先的骨骼结构发展了数百万年,用来支撑一种四肢行走、头部相对较小的生物。

    The bone structure of our ancestors developed for millions of years to support a creature that walked on all fours and has a relatively small head .

  24. 它可能会告诉你一些几个世纪前他们祖先的事情!

    It might tell you something about their ancestors from centuries ago !

  25. 九岁的吉米在学校接到一个任务,写一篇关于"我家族的祖先"的故事。

    Nine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on " My family 's ancestors " .

  26. 这里我们的重点是,其中所有祖先都经历了所有事件

    Our point here is that all ancestries have all experiences therein .

  27. 坦白说,我们的祖先似乎没有多少好自夸的。

    Frankly6 , our ancestors don 't seem much to brag7 about .

  28. 听到那个律师在讲演中污蔑我们的祖先,大家都气得怒发冲冠

    All of us bristled at the lawyer 's speech insulting our forefathers .

  29. 我们今天正在做的是我们祖先所不敢想的。

    What we are doing today is something never dreamed of by our forefather .

  30. 祖先的各种瑕疵都渐渐显露出来

    The blemishes of ancestors appear .