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yān gē
  • castrate;castration;neuter;spay;geld;doctor;fix;asexualization
阉割 [yān gē]
  • [castrate;spay] 切除睾丸或卵巢

阉割[yān gē]
  1. 古时可能很少对狗或猫进行阉割。

    In the ancient world , it was probably rare to castrate a dog or cat .

  2. 请把我阉割,这样我会更健康。

    Please castrate men , I can be healthier like this .

  3. 阉牛是经过阉割的公牛。

    An ox is a castrated bull .

  4. 在各种牛中,bull指的是没有阉割过的雄性牛。

    Among cattle , a bull is a male cow that has not been castrated .

  5. 那么,如果公牛还是小牛(calf)的时候被阉割,那叫什么呢?

    If the animal was castrated as a calf , the name for it is -- what ?

  6. 说到英国人,他们称阉割过的雄性猪为hog。

    Now speaking of the British , they call a castrated male pig a hog .

  7. 16例阉割后公、母猪血清加入培养基中,细胞分裂指数(SCD法)分别为2.96%和3.14%。

    In 16 cases , sera from sows and boars after castration are added into the cultures , the mitotic indexes ( SCD method ) are respectively 2.96 % and 3.14 % .

  8. 当我在洛杉矶见到黄的时候,《初来乍到》的制作正处于一个非常紧张的时刻。几个星期前,黄在推特上突然发难,指责ABC阉割了他的书。而这时离拍摄结束只有一周时间了。

    I met Huang in Los Angeles during a time of high tension surrounding his show , a few weeks after he exploded in a Twitter tirade , accusing the network of neutering his book , and a week before shooting would wrap .

  9. 方法:本实验选用平均体重为28.46kg,阉割的杜洛克×长白猪×约克夏三元杂交猪(DLY)8头,随机分为两个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复1头猪。

    Methods : 8 DLY pigs with average weight of 28.46 ㎏ were distributed randomly into 2 treatments with 4 replicates each .

  10. 如果这也对,我宁愿被阉割。

    If that 's true , I would rather be castrated .

  11. 但在大多数发达国家里,生猪都已采取了化学阉割。

    But most pigs in developed countries have been chemically castrated .

  12. 早期绝育指在性成熟之前进行的阉割或子宫卵巢切除术。

    Early-age neutering refers to castration or ovariohysterectomy before sexual maturity .

  13. 为你的宠物实施切除卵巢或阉割手术非常重要。

    It 's really important to spay or neuter your pets .

  14. 为了探寻答案,科学家们首先将一些不幸的小鸟阉割。

    To find out , scientists first gelded some unfortunate individuals .

  15. 大多数雄性牲畜幼时被阉割。

    Most male farm animals are emasculated when they are young .

  16. 我是说,我甚至想过化学阉割。

    I mean , I even thought about chemical castration .

  17. 我真正的航向,在堕落,被阉割,悲伤着。

    From my true course , to fall , unmanned and sad .

  18. 约翰逊的放款方案就这样瞬间被阉割了。

    Johnson 's lending programme was altered almost straight away .

  19. 威廉姆斯剧作中暴力的极致:强斯·维恩的阉割

    Utmost Violence in Williams ' Plays : The Castration of Chance Wayne

  20. 为防止失去幼鹿,他们阉割幼鹿。

    To prevent them being lost , they castrated the young males .

  21. 第二阶段要对喂养的猫和贩卖的猫进行阉割手术。

    The next phase imposes neutering on cats from breeders and sellers .

  22. 对一个成年男性实施阉割,他马上就失去了性能力。

    The castration of an adult male immediately eliminates his sexual capacity .

  23. 另外,也可用去势器或阉割。

    Alternatively , an emasculatome can be used or castration .

  24. 第一章娜塔莎:被阉割的女性。

    The first chapter is Natasha , the Female Eunuch .

  25. 阉割对性行为的后果是什么?

    What are the effects of castration on sexual behavior ?

  26. 我的两只小猫在兽医院里作阉割手术。

    My two kittens were being neutered down at the vet hospital .

  27. 他们实质上是被中国古代父权文明所阉割。

    They were indeed castrated by the patricentric culture in ancient China .

  28. 当看到他的男性象征被阉割时,观众大都感到十分遗憾。

    This mostly changed to pity when his manhood was taken away .

  29. “阉割情结”是精神分析学的一个重要概念。

    Castration complex is an importment conception in psychoanalysis .

  30. 我把我的猫带到兽医那儿去阉割。

    I 'm taking my cat to the vet to get her fixed .