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shén jiāo
  • be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met;close friend
神交 [shén jiāo]
  • (1) [be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met]∶彼此慕名而没有见过面的交谊

  • 孤与子瑜,可谓神交。--《三国志.诸葛瑾传》

  • 彼此神交已多年了

  • (2) [close friend]∶指心意投合、相知很深的朋友

  • 一与见面,便成神交

神交[shén jiāo]
  1. 你不觉得你太老了,还会有神交的朋友?

    Aren 't you too old to have imaginary friends ?

  2. 远隔重洋的世纪神交&荷兰画派与扬州八怪

    Echoed Each Other over Oceans and One Century Apart & The Dutch School and Yang Zhou Eight Eccentrics

  3. 在这里你绝不会感到自身的渺小,而是人与自然的神交契合。

    Yandang , you will not feel weak before the nature but harmonious between people and the nature .

  4. 我们切不可让自己被工作占据,以致忘记了神交付给我们更重要的工作。

    We must not let ourselves become so preoccupied with our occupations that we forget our greater vocation from God .

  5. 我常在海滨漫步,与大自然神交。星期天我常在海边散步。

    I often walk by the sea to commune with nature . On sunday I always stroll along the beach .

  6. 人若不是埋伏著杀人、乃是神交在他手中、我就设下一个地方、他可以往那里逃跑。

    However , if he does not do it intentionally , but God lets it happen , he is to flee to a place I will designate .

  7. 我们必须明白,我们的能力并不是来自神交在我们手中的杖,而是神放在杖里面的能力。

    We must realize and understand that our power does not come from the rod that God places in our hand , but through the power that God places in it .

  8. 我正为自己与风雪的神交被打断而抓狂,甚至都没回过神儿来问他怎么样。

    I was so maddened by the interruption of my trance , my communion with the wind and the snow , that I could not even bring myself to ask how he was .

  9. “甜茶药房”就在出售“死去的作家香水”,它承诺可以让使用者感受古老书籍的气息,带领你跟天堂里的已故作者作神交。

    Sweet Tea Apothecaries sells Dead Writers Perfume , which promises to evoke the aroma of books old enough for their authors to have passed to the great writers ' retreat in the sky .

  10. 也许,能主观地、独立地、不带学术界定地欣赏艺术作品或者说,借助作品和艺术家“神交”,获得些珍贵的情绪化的体验,才不啻为一种莫大的幸福。

    Maybe , to appreciate art subjectively , independently and without academic borders , that is , to achieve valuable emotional experience via the psychological crossover with the work and artist , is the only way considered to be great happiness .