
  • 网络theological ethics;theological ethics or moral theology
  1. 传统伦理学和神学伦理学在后生命科学时代理论资源枯竭,已达边界;

    It is out of theory resource for the traditional ethics and theological ethics in this postmodern bioscience .

  2. 中世纪基督教神学伦理学的基本特征:其中心领域是神学德性论和神学人生观;

    Those of medieval Christian theological ethics as follows : its central fields are the theological theory of virtue and the theological outlook on life ;

  3. 其次,分析了生态学与神学、伦理学、文学等学科在不同历史时期的相互影响和相互交融;

    Secondly , it analyzed the interaction between history and other subjects such as theology , ethics and literature in different ages .

  4. 因此,历史不像神学、伦理学和哲学,它不存在自由意志和必然性相结合的无法解决的奥秘。

    And so the insoluble mystery of the union of the two antinomies of freedom and necessity does not exist for history as it does for theology , ethics , and philosophy .

  5. 神学应该从属于伦理学。

    Theology should be the handmaiden of ethics .

  6. 特别是当不信任和缺乏经验成为市场的主流时,国际经济伦理应该从每一个角度分析案例。神学应该从属于伦理学。

    Especially when distrust and a lack of experience dominate a market , international business ethics must analyze case studies from every perspective .