
  • 网络Marksman;archer;Sharpshooter;Sniper;Shooter
  1. 神射手:羽箭骑士要经过严酷的训练。

    Marksman : Arrow knights go through rigorous training .

  2. 他是我们最好的神射手。

    He 's our best marksman .

  3. 神射手也有不能命中的时候。

    A good shooter may miss .

  4. 横置:鬼怪神射手对目标生物或玩家造成1点伤害。

    Goblin Sharpshooter deals 1 damage to target creature or player .

  5. 鬼怪神射手在你的重置步骤中不能重置。

    Goblin Sharpshooter does not untap during your untap step .

  6. 甘蝇,是古代的一名神射手。

    Gan Ying was a crack shot in ancient times .

  7. 他是步枪神射手。

    He 's a crack shot with a rifle .

  8. 夏朝时,有一位神射手,叫后裔。

    During the Xia Dynasty , there was a crack archer named Hou Yi .

  9. 每当一个生物从场上进入坟墓场时,重置鬼怪神射手。

    Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from play , untap Goblin Sharpshooter .

  10. 我希望你们走得,离教他成为神射手更近了

    I hope you 're getting closer ... At teaching him how to be a better marksman .

  11. 列御寇是一名神射手,有一回,他邀请伯昏无人前来观看他的射箭表演。

    Lie Yukou was a famous marksman . Once , he invited Bohun Wuren to his exhibition of archery .

  12. 他并不是像房子那样的神射手,但他可以在外线提供不错的火力支援。

    He 's not quite the marksman that House is , but he can shoot the ball well from the outside .

  13. 我们就把他当做奇才队的佩贾-斯托贾科维奇吧,但这不仅仅因为他们都是来自东欧的神射手。

    Think of him as the Wizards " Peja Stojakovic , and not just because of the obvious Eastern European sharpshooter connection .

  14. 看到一个又一个怪兽向城堡走来,作为保卫者你是怎样的心情,快施展你的神射手吧!

    Also see a monster to a castle on , as you defend what is the mood quickly display your God shooter !

  15. 大卫是个狩猎好手,也是个神射手。但他去打猎时,都尽量避免用枪。

    Davy was a good hunter and a good shot , but he tried not to use his gun too much when he went hunting .

  16. 依靠百步穿杨的本领,他化身为杀戮机器,一个被敌人畏惧同时被队友尊敬的神射手。

    Being capable of hitting the bull 's eye , he becomes a true killing machine , a sniper feared by enemies and respected by friends .

  17. 他记得灰色的眼睛是最锐利的眼睛,所有知名神射手都拥有一双灰色的眼睛。

    He observed that it was a gray eye and remembered having read that gray eyes were keenest , and that all famous marksmen had them .

  18. 报道援引他的话称,作为连里的一名神射手,一旦爆发战争,他将抢在别人之前追捕小布什。

    ' Being a good marksman in my company , I will hunt Bush before any others when a war breaks out , ' he is quoted as saying .

  19. 隆多签约安踏后一年,金州勇士神射手克莱·汤普森也接到了安踏的合约,汤普森的经纪人当时建议他联系隆多,听取些经验、反馈。

    When Golden State Warriors sharpshooter Klay Thompson received an offer from Anta the following summer , his agent at the time suggested he reach out to Rondo for feedback .

  20. 如果人们能够不计较得失,把厚赏重罚抛在一边,那么谁都可能成为神射手了。”

    If people could take no account of their gains and losses , and put aside either generous awards or severe punishment , then anyone could become a crack archer . "

  21. 对于皮尔斯而言,与这位神射手的关系早已缓和,而隆多则被视为对阿伦积怨最深的人。

    Pierce , for his part , has already patched things up with the sharpshooter . Meanwhile , Rajon Rondo is viewed as the one who holds the worst grudge against Allen .

  22. 决胜关头,凯尔-科沃尔底角接球,投出空位三分——如果命中,骑士就能在最后一分钟手握5分优势,而且科沃尔也能抹去他整个生涯季后赛的种种悲惨记忆——不幸的是,神射手打铁了。

    On the ensuing possession , Kyle Korver got a decent look at a 3 from the corner , which would 've climbed the Cavaliers back up five with less than a minute left . But the sharpshooter bricked the shot that will likely haunt his offseason memories .