
  • 网络shǎng;xiǎng;shan shang;xi ng sh ng;xiang shang
半晌 [bàn shǎng]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [half a day]∶半天

  • (3) [a long time]∶好大一会儿,好久

  • 我走了半晌才走到

  1. 她痴楞地望着她妈,半晌说不出话来。

    Speechless , she stared blankly at her mother .

  2. 下半晌儿我见她来着。

    I saw her this afternoon .

  3. 又过了半晌,伙计却是空手回来。

    In a little while , the salesman came back empty-handed .

  4. 半晌没有回答,然后又是敲门声。

    For long there was no answer : then again the knock .

  5. “好,一亮为宝”!那人沉默了半晌说。

    " Well , agreed !" said the man , after an interval .

  6. 在下午后半晌的炎热中,他们向山坡上爬去。

    They were scrambling up the mountai ide in the late afternoon heat .

  7. 好半晌,两个人都不出声。

    For quite a while neither of them spoke .

  8. 好半晌奈德震惊得说不出话。

    For a moment Ned was speechless with shock .

  9. 将军起初愣愣地对侯恩瞅了半晌。

    The General had looked at Hearn blankly .

  10. 我没有看见他。约翰停了半晌说。

    " I don 't see him ," John said after a long pause .

  11. 唐纳尔爵士迟疑半晌才回答。

    Ser Donnel hesitated before he answered .

  12. 这一次,他就这样站了半晌,向窗外凝视着。

    In this instance he stood so for some time , staring out the window .

  13. 看完这则新闻,我震惊得半晌无语。

    Having finished the news , I was shocked to be speechless for a whole while .

  14. 当时听到这个消息,我的心突然一沉,怔怔地望着电脑,半晌没出声。

    At hearing the news , I felt heart-stricken , staring at the computer screen speechless .

  15. 过了半晌,父亲说:其实,你说不说都没差。

    After a while , Father said , I don 't suppose it matters , truly .

  16. 他走到街角上站了好半晌,又烦恼又为难地皱着眉头。

    On the street corner he stood for a long time , frowning in trouble and perplexity .

  17. 于是我找了半晌,总算找到一个能禁用该软件的按钮。接着,我欣然点击这个按钮。

    After some searching , I found a button to disable it , which I clicked with glee .

  18. 国王悲愤交集,半晌说不出话来。

    For a moment the King 's grief and anger were so great that he could not speak .

  19. 上午过了半晌,我给叫到校长室去。

    About the middle of the morning , I was asked to go to the principal 's office .

  20. 他们用自己轻快滑稽的语言交流半晌,然后转身重新面对她。

    They conferred with each other in some skittering language of their own and then turned back to her .

  21. 他沉默了半晌,最后他说出的我知道是郁积在他心里的话。

    He was silent for a long time , and then he said what I knew was in his mind .

  22. 他困惑地看了她半晌,她别过头,但为时已晚。

    He looked at her for a moment , puzzled . She turned her face away , but too late .

  23. 这只英勇的小鸟持续从山上衔来小树枝和小石子,扔到东海中,从未有半晌苏息。

    The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest .

  24. 两个仇人对看了好半晌;胡克微微发抖,彼得脸上现出了奇异的微笑。

    For long the two enemies looked at one another , Hook shuddering slightly , and Peter with the strange smile upon his face .

  25. 半晌都不敢碰,生怕自己一伸手剑又被拿走。

    For a moment she was afraid to touch it , afraid that if she reached for it it would be snatched away again ,

  26. 星期日下午后半晌,当两个年轻人到来时,她大喜过望,甚至有点受宠若惊。

    She was greatly pleased , and even a little flattered , when , late on a Sunday afternoon , the two gentlemen made their appearance .

  27. 他从不早来片刻,也不多留半晌,但现在,我常愿黑夜带走我的呼吸。

    He never came a wink too soonNor brought too long a day ; But now , I often wish the nightHad borne my breath away .

  28. 她埋下头,温柔地抚弄那只躺在她的掌心上微微扇动翅膀的垂死的蝴蝶,半晌不答话。

    She lowered her head and gently stroked the dying butterfly cupped in her hand . It was still feebly moving its wings . Mei made no reply .

  29. 刘畅苦笑了一声,沉默半晌方道:“欠你的钱,我会尽早还的。”

    Liu Chang 's wry smile a , silent long period square way : " Money namely owes you , I will for early as feasible return . "

  30. 卡莱尔衡量着劳伦脸上坦率的神情,半晌才说道:“我们会给你们带路。贾斯帕,罗莎莉,艾美特?”他喊道。

    Carlisle measured Laurent 's open expression for a moment before he spoke . " We 'll show you the way . Jasper , Rosalie , Esme ? " he called .