
  • 网络KOBE UNIVERSITY;University of Kobe
  1. 关于岩石力学领域的研究&回顾我在神户大学的研究工作

    Study on Rock Mechanics-Review the study in Kobe University

  2. 最后将通过介绍日本神户大学小川启一教授针对日本基础教育国际援助所做的问卷调查的部分结果,进一步对日本援助非洲基础教育的实践效应进行评价性验证。

    This chapter evaluated the practice result of Japanese aid for African basic education through introducing the questionnaire to Japanese aid for global basic education from by Kobe University .

  3. 日本神户大学的医学博士横山光博指出,这两个发病率之间有19%的差异。

    That 's a19 % difference , note the researchers , who included Mitsuhiro Yokoyama , MD , of Kobe Uniersity in Kobe , Japan .

  4. 日本神户大学的研究员们发现,如果父母在孩子幼年时帮助他们,那么他们长大后工资水平会更高。

    Researchers from Kobe University in Japan found that mothers and fathers who help their children in their early years ensure they have higher salaries when they grow up .

  5. 同时,我们也不会知道,如果它是在江东区的家长非常关注谁决定组织起来,并要求从神户大学的研究人员,帮助他们测量辐射不。

    And we wouldn 't have known if it were not for the very concerned parents in Koto-ku who decided to organize themselves and ask a researcher from Kobe University to help them measure the radiation .

  6. 该项研究中,来自大阪国际国大学和神户大学的研究人员招纳了一批训练有素的运动员,有男性也有女性,以及另外一批同年龄的未经训练的志愿者。

    For the study , researchers at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan recruited a pool of trained athletes , male and female , as well as the same aged group of untrained volunteers .

  7. 微生物化学部,神户药科大学,日本。

    Department of Microbial Chemistry , Kobe Pharmaceutical University , Japan .

  8. 对当前建筑设计教学的几点思考&日本神户艺术工科大学的启示

    Consideration on Current Architectural Design Teaching & Elicitation from Kobe Design University