
shén shènɡ luó mǎ dì ɡuó
  • Holy Roman Empire
  1. 一七○四年,路易十四要攻占神圣罗马帝国首都维也纳,一心迫使这帝国退出联盟,但他的军队被英国、萨伏伊联军截击;

    In1704 , Louis sought to knock the Holy Roman Empire out of the alliance by capturing its capital , Vienna , but his army was intercepted by a combination of English and Savoyard forces .

  2. 几个世纪中,神圣罗马帝国(HolyRomanEmpire)将权力分配给少数几个收费点,以此获取资助。

    For centuries , the Holy Roman Empire derived patronage by assigning rights to a limited number of toll points .

  3. 如果说欧盟(eu)现今扮演的是神圣罗马帝国(holyromanempire)的角色,那么美国就是新拜占庭帝国,在相对式微之际,要同时面对东方与西方。

    If the European Union today plays the part of the Holy Roman Empire , then the US is the new Byzantium , facing both East and West while in a state of relative decline .

  4. 1806年他放弃了神圣罗马帝国的王位。

    In 1806 he relinquished the crown of the Holy Roman Empire .

  5. 神圣罗马帝国加入,领袖是查理曼大帝。

    Holy Roman Empire is in , with Charlemagne as a ruler .

  6. 1742年的今天,查尔斯七世埃尔伯特成为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。

    1742 – Charles VII Albert becomes Holy Roman Emperor .

  7. 1519年的今天,查尔斯五世被选为神圣罗马帝国的皇帝。

    Charles V elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire .

  8. 神圣罗马帝国皇帝(1152-1190年)和德国与意大利国王。

    Holy Roman emperor ( 1152-1190 ) and king of Germany and Italy .

  9. 这些盔明甲亮的骑士是神圣罗马帝国精锐部队。

    These distinctive looking knights are the Holy Roman Empire 's elite warriors .

  10. 1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    1521 – Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  11. 历史上的今天-神圣罗马帝国皇帝1742年的今天,查尔斯七世埃尔伯特成为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。

    Cavalier Parliament Holy Roman Emperor 1742 - Charles VII Albert becomes Holy Roman Emperor .

  12. 它彰显于教皇和“神圣罗马帝国皇帝”的宣言。

    It was apparent in the claims of popes and " Holy Roman Emperors " .

  13. 列支敦士登家族从神圣罗马帝国皇帝手上买下了这块地产。

    The Liechtenstein family purchased this piece of real estate from the Holy Roman Emperor .

  14. 当时神圣罗马帝国正处於全盛时期。

    At that time the Holy Roman Empire was at the zenith of its power .

  15. 神圣罗马帝国既费神圣,亦非罗马,更非帝国。

    The Holy Roman Empire be neither holy , nor roman , nor an empire .

  16. 查理曼,法兰克人的国王,在这一天成为了神圣罗马帝国的第一任皇帝。

    Charlemagne , king of the franks , became the first emperor of the Holy Roman empire .

  17. 她智取国内的反动主教们,击败强大的法兰西和西班牙联合的神圣罗马帝国。

    She 's outfoxed and outfought Popes , the Holy Roman Empire , France and Spain combined .

  18. 历史上的今天-沃尔姆斯帝国议会1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    Diet of Worms 1521 - Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  19. 神圣罗马帝国则作为一个空架子又存续了150年左右,而后正式解体。

    The Holy Roman Empire continued as an empty shell until it was formally dissolved some 150 years later .

  20. 6个可选派系-条顿骑士团,立陶宛,丹麦,诺夫哥罗德,波兰和神圣罗马帝国。

    Playable factions ? Teutonic Order , Lithuania , Denmark , Novgorod , Poland and the Holy Roman Empire .

  21. 希腊暴君,阿拉伯埃米尔,诺曼骑士,拜占庭主教和神圣罗马帝国皇帝都能来西西里岛。

    Greek tyrants , Arab emirs , Norman Knights , Byzantine bishops and Holy Roman emperors made Sicily the place it is .

  22. 1499年,瑞士战胜斯瓦比亚联盟促使它从神圣罗马帝国中独立出来。

    The Swiss victory in a war against the Swabian League in1499 amounted to de facto independence from the Holy Roman Empire .

  23. 神圣罗马帝国与西西里人的边界接壤,帝国的军队听命于皇帝而非教皇。

    The Holy Roman Empire shares borders with the Sicilians , and the armies of the Reich answer to the Kaiser-not the Pope .

  24. 他努力摧毁旧神圣罗马帝国的残余,准备用一个以巴黎为中心的新帝国取而代之。

    He tried to destroy the remains of the old Holy Royal Empire , intending to replace it by a new one centering upon Paris .

  25. 想理解它到底有多老,想想看:NAUM成立时,墨西哥正被神圣罗马帝国统治。

    To demonstrate just how mind-blowingly old that is , consider this : NAUM was opened when Mexico was ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor .

  26. 王国被北方的意大利和神圣罗马帝国、东方的拜占庭和南方的摩尔人所环绕。

    The kingdom is surrounded by Italians and the Holy Roman Empire to the North , the Byzantines to the East and the Moors to the South .

  27. 几乎所有城邦都是独立的城市共和国,已经在中世纪晚期成功脱离了神圣罗马帝国的统治。

    Nearly all of them were independent city republics that had succeeded during the late Middle Ages in throwing off the domination of the Holy Roman Emperor .

  28. 1798年,他加入了第二次反法同盟,但是他再次被打败,并且最终同意了在实质上解散神圣罗马帝国。

    In1798 , he joined the Second Coalition against France , but he was again defeated and eventually consented to the virtual dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire .

  29. 查理大帝于公元800年加冕为罗马皇帝,创立了神圣罗马帝国;中欧就此开始形成。

    The outline of Central Europe began to take shape with the creation of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne , who was crowned Roman emperor in AD800 .

  30. 1526年,他被远送法国。1527年又到了意大利,在此被神圣罗马帝国军队俘获。

    He was sent away from court to France in 1526 and to Italy in 1527 , where he was captured by troops of the Holy Roman Empire .