
pīn fǎ
  • spelling
拼法 [pīn fǎ]
  • [spelling] 根据公认的用法用字母拚字的技术或技巧

拼法[pīn fǎ]
  1. 助教提醒那个学生要注意拼法。

    The assistant teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling .

  2. Mkay是Okay(行,好)的不规范拼法,代表一种非正式发音,通常用在句尾来征求同意、认可或进行确认。

    Mkay is a non-standard spelling of Okay , representing an informal pronunciation , typically used at the end of a statement to invite agreement , approval , or confirmation1 .

  3. 你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法?

    Do you use English or American spelling ( s )?

  4. 这个词有两种拼法。

    This word has two spellings .

  5. 诺亚采用美式拼法,比如color而非英式的colour,music而非英式的musick。

    Noah used American spellings like color instead of the English colour and music instead of musick .

  6. 字典裁定honor及honour两种拼法均可。

    The dictionary authorizes the two spellings " honor " and " honour . " .

  7. 字典裁定traveler和traveller两种拼法都对。

    The dictionary authorizes the two spellings ' traveler ' and ' traveller ' .

  8. 这是“schedule”的正确拼法吗?

    Be that the correct spelling of Z schedule k ?

  9. right和write两字的拼法不同,但发音相同。

    The word " right " and " write " are spelt differently but they are pronounced the same .

  10. 她说,常规的拼法已被别人用了,所以她用U代替E。

    Mak says the more conventional spelling was taken so she substituted the'u'for an'e.

  11. 用你们的拼法就是bo。

    You write our Bo with an o.

  12. 字节byte的另一种拼法。

    Alternative spelling of byte .

  13. 假如,你问对方一些简单名字(如Dave和Sarah)的拼法,他会觉得你的智商很低。

    People may question your intelligence if you ask them how to spell common names like Dave or Sarah !

  14. 而hairbrained这个拼法也有很长的历史,可以追溯到16世纪,那时候hair是hare的另一种拼法。

    The spelling hairbrained also has a long history , going back to the1500s when hair was a variant spelling of hare .

  15. 而复活节早期的名字“Eastre”,最后也被改成流传至今的拼法“Easter”。

    The early name , Eastre , was eventually changed to its modern spelling , Easter .

  16. 为了她在夜总会的首场演出,她把名字的拼法从Barbara变成Barbra。

    She changed the spelling of her first name – from Barbara to Barbra – for her nightclub debut .

  17. 20世纪40年代末,山口淑子以“RiKoran”,即“李香兰”的日文拼法在香港与日本重新开始自己的电影事业。

    As " Ri Koran , " a Japanization of Li Xianglan , Ms. Yamaguchi began re-establishing her film career in Hong Kong and Japan in the late 1940s .

  18. 虽然hairbrained还在继续使用,但是,既然harebrained是最初的正确拼法,我们就应该避免这种混淆使用的情况。

    While hairbrained continues to be used , it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling .

  19. 根据径向竹篾的特点,进行了多种织帘方法的试验,通过综合评价认为:宽度在5mm以上的径向竹篾,采用缝拼法或铅丝机械绞织法织成单篾帘,具有良好的应用前景;

    Many experiments of weaving curtains were done based on radial bamboo strips'feature . Through comprehensive evaluation , the method of sewing or the lead thread mechanical twisting into a single strip curtains has very good application prospects to the radial bamboo strips ' width over 5 mm .

  20. 这种酒就是西万尼(Silvaner,或称Sylvaner,法国和意大利部分地区采用这种拼法)。西万尼是一种原产于奥地利的白葡萄,不过现在奥地利已经基本不种这种葡萄了。

    Silvaner ( or Sylvaner as it 's known in France and parts of Italy ) is a white grape originally grown in Austria , where little of it is planted these days .

  21. 拼法是M-A-C-K-I-N-T-O-S-H。他干得很好。

    That 's spelled M-A-C-K-I-N-T-O-S-H. He 's done a great job .

  22. 在英语拼法上有许多外国学生易犯的错误。

    There 're many pitfalls in English spelling for foreign students .

  23. 美式拼法一定是拼字检查程式的预设拼法吗?

    Is American spelling always the default setting for the spellchecker ?

  24. 学生在字典里查阅这个单词的拼法。

    The student checked the spelling of the word in his dictionary .

  25. 按美国英语的拼法来拼写这个单词。

    Spell this word as the way it is in American english .

  26. 总之,必须加上对拼法她的名字。

    A word must be added on the orthography of her name .

  27. 某些词的英国拼法与美国拼法不同。

    English and American spellings of some words are different .

  28. 拼法字典是秘书必备的手册。

    The spelling dictionary is a vade-mecum for all secretaries .

  29. 那对双胞胎和詹姆斯都不知道这个词的拼法。

    Neither the twins nor James knows how to spell the word .

  30. 那是他名字的正确拼法吗?

    Is that the correct spelling of his name ?