
pīn bó jīnɡ shen
  • combatant spirit
  1. 此外,运动员还需要发扬团队精神和拼搏精神。

    In addition , the trampolinists need developing collective spirit and combatant spirit .

  2. 体育之所以倡导超越人生的拼搏精神,包括超越自我、超越对手和超越纪录,均视为“参与比取胜更重要”,这才是真正的奥林匹克精神。

    The combatant spirit in sports refers to overcome self , rivals and records , in every of which participation is more important than winning .

  3. 下一场比赛就要看他们的拼搏精神了。

    The next game will be a real test of their mettle .

  4. 第一,进一步弘扬自强不息的拼搏精神。

    First , carry forward the spirit of striving hard relentlessly .

  5. 同样,艺术也需要牺牲和拼搏精神。

    Art , too , draws on sacrifice and struggle .

  6. 我是一很有拼搏精神的当代大学生。

    I was a very enterprising spirit of the contemporary college students .

  7. “拼搏精神”是优秀运动队伍的灵魂;

    The spirit of fighting desperately is the soul of excellent sport team , 3 .

  8. 一支排球队在比赛中的胜负主要取决于其整体水平的发挥及拼搏精神。

    The whole level and striving spirit of a team decide the victory or defeat .

  9. 普瑞盛拥有一支富有拼搏精神的专业队伍,临床运营团队均具有临床医学、药学、护理学等背景;

    All the operation team members have various professional backgrounds of clinical medicine , pharmacy or nursing etc.

  10. 在一场排球比赛中,最重要的因素是我们的拼搏精神、结一致。

    In a volleyball match , the most important factors are our fighting spirits , solidarity and unity .

  11. 前锋还需要具有顽强的拼搏精神和意志、清晰聪慧的头脑和稳定的心理素质等优秀的品质。

    Also need to have a strong will , intelligent mind and a stable mind , good quality .

  12. 拼搏精神与团队精神对球队成绩有重要影响;

    The spirits of collectivism and exerting the utmost strength have an important effect on the team 's achievement ;

  13. 柔韧的水,只有不断地撞击礁石,才会将美丽绽放,这就是拼搏精神。

    Struggle spirit is like flexile water that will show us its beauty only after constantly shocking the reefs .

  14. 我不敢自诩自己是个人才,但我相信我的拼搏精神和进取精神。

    I dare not prided himself is a talent , but I believe that my fighting spirit and enterprising spirit .

  15. 广博的专业背景、字斟句酌的严谨作风以及不怕吃苦的拼搏精神,一定能使我成为一个出色的翻译!

    Extensive professional background , precise words-weighing style and the spirit of hard struggle will surely make me an excellent interpreter !

  16. 正是因为她没有收到诸多的加油鼓励,因此缺乏拼搏精神,输掉了这场比赛。

    She did not receive so much the many blows as the lack of fighting spirit that led to her losing the game .

  17. 而著名游泳运动员吴鹏则说,毫无疑问,杭州乃是勇气和拼搏精神的源泉所在。

    And , for famous swimming athlete Wu Peng , there is no doubt that Hangzhou is a pool of courage and heroism .

  18. 达格利什认为,世上没有第二支队伍能比周日晚出战酋长球场的利物浦队更有拼搏精神与坚定意志了。

    Kenny Dalglish believes there is no team in world football with the spirit and determination displayed by Liverpool at the Emirates on Sunday .

  19. 优秀的中国运动员高超的竞技能力和顽强的拼搏精神让中国队荣登奥运金牌榜首,创造了历史最好成绩。

    Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history .

  20. 尽管现行的道德价值系统似乎不容易接纳这种韧性拼搏精神,然而,其小说独特的审美价值&复杂性与不确定性正是缘此生成。

    Though such toughness of character is alien to the existing moral values , it underpins the aesthetic value of his fiction & complexity and uncertainty .

  21. 那个时期的中国足球最不缺的就是精神,一种强烈的想从屈辱中站立起来的爱国主义的拼搏精神。

    Chinese football that period does not lack is the spirit , a strong wish to stand up from the humiliation of the fighting spirit of patriotism .

  22. 中国运动员以出色的竞技能力和顽强的拼搏精神夺得金牌总数第一,创造了历史最好成绩。

    Chinese athletes won the No.1 position of the golden medal list with their excellent athletic abilities and indomitable fighting spirit , created the historical best score .

  23. 尽管在斯托克城的比赛中最后一分钟丢球,法比奥-奥雷里奥认为利物浦可以从拼搏精神中收获许多心得。

    Fabio Aurelio believes Liverpool can take a lot of heart from the fighting spirit they showed at Stoke despite the despair of conceding a last minute goal .

  24. 牛是实干,拼搏精神的象征,开拓创新,锐新进取,冲破一切潘篱打造全新天地。

    Ox is hard work , and fighting spirit of symbol , and expand creative , sharp new enterprising , sorriness pan hedgerow create new heaven and earth .

  25. 奥运精神感动了许多人,而将在残奥会上展现的拼搏精神和自强不息的力量,同样能够感动你我。

    Olympic spirit touched many people , and the Paralympics will be on display in the fighting spirit and self-strength , the same can be touched by you Me .

  26. 通过跆拳道练习,可以促进中小学生的身心健康,培养顽强拼搏精神,提高道德素质,完善人格品质。

    Taekwondo practice can promote physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students , cultivating the indomitable fighting spirit , improving the moral quality , improving personality traits .

  27. 他们有着高涨的拼搏精神,每当他们陷入逆境的时候,他们总能强势反弹。我不认为他们会轻易放弃。

    They have a lot of fight and have been able to bounce back every time they 've faced adversity . I don 't think they have any quit in them .

  28. 奥林匹克格言充分表达了奥林匹克运动不断进取、永不满足的奋斗精神和不畏艰险、敢攀高峰的拼搏精神。

    Fully express the Olympic motto of the Olympic Games and forging ahead , and we will never meet and dauntless spirit of the struggle , dare to scale new heights of fighting spirit .

  29. 首先他们不是以“斗牛士”的行为去宰割先前的文化沉淀和一脉相传的艺术“血脉”,其次他们又用“斗牛士”的顽强拼搏精神,在浩瀚的艺术土壤上辛勤耕耘。

    Firstly they have not acted as " Bullfighter " to cut the previous culture of precipitation and art " blood " . Secondly they use " Bullfighter " indomitable spirit to work hard in wide art soil .

  30. 为探讨教学医院实验技术人员在研究生带教中的作用,本文阐述了强化思想工作,激发拼搏精神;

    To inquire into the effect of the lab technician in the medical postgraduates education in the teaching hospital , it is expatiated in this article that the strengthening ideological work , inspire the spirit of the hard struggle ;