
  • 网络Innovation company;start-up;Creative;innovative firm;Creative Labs
  1. 我期望着担任世界上最创新公司的CEO职位的机会。

    I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative company in the world .

  2. 不过,现在需要的是苹果(Apple)或谷歌(Google)这样的技术创新公司设计出软件和技术,把所有分散的信息整合起来,使之协同运作。

    What is missing , however , is for a tech innovator like Apple or Google to come up with software and technology that integrate all the disparate flows of information that are collected and make them work together .

  3. Easyjet是一家创新公司吗?

    Is Easyjet an innovative company ?

  4. Piñatex,或者说“素皮革”,是卡门•伊卓莎博士及其材料创新公司AnanasAnam的发明。

    Pi ñ atex or " vegan leather " is the invention of Dr. Carmen Hijosa and her innovative materials company , Ananas Anam .

  5. 很多网络创新公司都位于美国,但是在公共WIFI的速度上,美国的竞争力却并不强劲。

    Many of the companies innovating in this space are located in the United States . However , in terms of how the U.S. compares to other countries in public Wi-Fi speed -- it 's barely a contender .

  6. 每一天,那些创新公司都在承诺着要让世界变得更美好。

    Every day , innovative companies promise to make the world a better place .

  7. 谷歌在创新公司排名中位列前茅的原因也显而易见。

    It is also easy to see why Google rates so highly as an innovator .

  8. 另外雅虎早已失去了一流创新公司的地位,它的股市表现也一蹶不振。

    The company has long ceased to be seen as a top innovator and its stock has languished .

  9. 在印度,创新公司在国内展开激烈的竞争,并开始登上全球舞台。

    The country had innovative companies competing brutally at home and starting to stomp on to the global stage .

  10. 记者:设计对于像宝洁这样的品牌和创新公司,其重要性是什么呢?

    Reporter : How can design make a difference to a brand and innovation company like P & G ?

  11. 第二章介绍了创新公司企业战略和现有的人力资源状况,阐述了创新公司产品发展战略的理论基础以及创新公司在发展汽车零部件产品和开发其它行业产品的选择原则和方法;

    The second section introduces the development strategy of Dalian Innovation Company and analyses the current condition of human resource .

  12. 孙正义和我观点一致:如果你去研究创新公司,会发现几乎每一家都有同样的生命周期。

    Masa and I share an insight : If you look at innovative companies , almost every one goes through a lifecycle .

  13. 我们应该发挥创意,不断创新公司与员工之间的互动关系,找出最符合员工利益的事情。

    We should continue to innovate in our relationship with our employees and figure out the best things we can do for them .

  14. 但是在许多行业,新软件理念将导致硅谷式初创新公司的兴起,这些初创企业将肆无忌惮地侵入现有行业。

    But in many industries , new software ideas will result in the rise of new Silicon Valley-style start-ups that invade existing industries with impunity .

  15. 阿卡什天河雨水收集项目通过项目开发商可持续创新公司曾获得发展市场提供的20万美元奖金。目前,项目有偿向村民租借屋顶装置。

    Aakash Ganga , which won the US $ 200,000 Development Marketplace award in2006 through project developer Sustainable Innovations , rents village rooftops for a fee .

  16. 加尔蒂和阿塞林与伊萨姆研究发展公司、一位澳大利亚投资者和阿什克农技术创新公司合作,已经建立了一家设计该“纳米车”的新公司。

    Garti and Aserin , in cooperation with the Yissum Research and Development Company , an Australian investor and Ashkelon Technology Initiative , have established a start-up which designs vehicles .

  17. 最新报告显示,随着中国创新公司数量迅速上升,英国可能失去全球领先金融科技中心的地位。

    The UK is at risk of losing its status as the world 's leading fintech centre as the number of innovative companies in China is rapidly rising , according to a new report .

  18. 创新公司NineSigma的首席执行官安迪o辛加指出,骨质疏松症的研究人员找到了制造低钠类盐纳米颗粒的办法,那就是“把钙碾成细微颗粒,然后让它们重新生长”。

    The osteoporosis researchers had developed a way to create nanoparticles of a low-sodium , salt-like substance by " smashing calcium into tiny particles and re-growing it , " says Andy Zynga , CEO of innovation firm NineSigma .

  19. 创新公司有望通过资本市场而非银行募集资金,并且中国还有望设立新交易所,面向科技初创企业。

    There was the promise of innovative companies that could use the capital markets , rather than the banks , as a source of cash , and the prospect of new bourses being set up for China 's technology start-ups .

  20. 柯达一度占有美国胶片市场90%的份额,但由于不愿意侵蚀自己的传统产品,结果其它规模更小的数字摄影创新公司在日益壮大和抢占份额的时候,柯达却依然置之不理。

    Reluctant to cannibalize its traditional products ( at one point , Kodak had a lock on 90 % of the U.S. film market ) , the company sat on its hands while smaller digital-photography innovators zoomed in and ate its lunch .

  21. 众安在线保险公司的人力资源总监王振宇表示,互联网金融的创新公司之所以对于人才具有吸引力,是因为这类公司会制定中长期的激励机制,帮助员工在公司发展过程中实现个人价值的增长。

    Wang Zhenyu , the human resources head of online insurance group ZhongAn , said innovative Internet finance companies are attractive to professionals because of their long-term incentives , which can help employees increase their personal value with the growth of the company .

  22. 这是他们的一种习惯。创新型公司确实会在股票市场中获得更高的估价,他们称之为“创新溢价”。

    " It 's a habit for them Innovative companies , according to the authors , typically enjoy higher valuations in the stock market , which they call an " innovation premium . "

  23. 我希望IBM被看作是一家创新性公司。

    I would like us to be thought of as an innovation company .

  24. IBM是个创新的公司。

    IBM is an innovation company .

  25. 然而不少像脸谱网(Facebook)这样的创新科技公司允许员工在家办公;尽管如此,他们的发展也相当快。

    Yet plenty of innovative technology firms such as Facebook move pretty fast while allowing some people to work from home .

  26. n.创新该公司鼓励创新。

    innovation The company encourages innovation .

  27. 并以创新科技公司产品研发项目为背景,深入研究在产品研发项目过程中进行PDM的导入和实施技术。

    Innovative technology R D project is used as a background , PDM introduction and application technology is closely related to R D process .

  28. 第二章分析了3M公司在长达一个世纪中持续发展的秘诀-即把产品创新当作公司发展最重要的战略。

    Chapter 2 is the analysis of the secret of 3M through which it can develop continuously in last century . The core competition of 3M is its capability of product innovation .

  29. 但是这对于创新顾问公司IDEO来说并不是一个很好的秘诀,他们认为最好的创新者应该是“T型人才”&他们在一个领域有深度并且在许多领域有广度。

    But this is not a recipe for just hanging loose : IDEO , an innovation consultancy , argues that the best innovators are " T-shaped " & they need to have depth in one area as well as breadth in lots .

  30. 依靠技术创新推动公司发展

    Depending on the Technology Innovation Promoting the Development of the Corporation