
  • 网络the creative process
  1. 探索基于Flash技术的RPG游戏创作过程

    Exploring the creative process of Flash-based RPG games

  2. 求异求同&再求同求异,这在创作过程中是一个相互渗透、转化的过程。

    This creative process is a mutual penetration into the process .

  3. 第四章服装结构设计CAI课件的创作过程:这是本文重点部分,详细地介绍了服装结构设计CAI课件的创作过程。

    The fourth chapter The creating course of the costume structure CAI courseware : The most important part which introducing the creating course of the costume structure CAIcourseware in detail .

  4. 该文通过介绍和分析F·盖里的数字化创作过程,从而总结出这一技术对当代建筑创作的意义和对未来建筑创作的影响。

    By introducing and analyzing the process of F · Gehry 's digital creation of architecture , this paper summarizes the modern significance of architectural creation and the influence of architectural creation in future that the digital technique effects on .

  5. 而与其他平台一样,Lisa自身也有其不容易做到的方面,所以在运用Lisa进行电子音乐创作过程中,应避重就轻,发挥其长处。

    But as with other platforms , Lisa itself also has its not easy to do , so in the use of electronic music Lisa authoring , should take steps to avoid this , exert their strengths .

  6. 介绍了在英国爱丁堡第42届IFLA国际风景园林大学生设计竞赛获得大奖作品的创作过程和设计内容。

    The creating process and design contents of the First Prize plan in the 42nd IFLA International Landscape Architecture Student Design Competition held in Edinburgh of UK are introduced in this paper .

  7. 这样一种转变在创作过程中可以体现。

    Such a change can be reflected in the creative process .

  8. 这种强烈的精神冲突煎熬着他的整个创作过程。

    The violent spirit conflict is torturing his all inditing course .

  9. 显然,读者很享受这种部分参与创作过程的感觉。

    Readers apparently enjoy feeling like part of the creative process .

  10. 这是一种很独特的都城连续创作过程。

    This is an unique creative process of the continuous capital movements .

  11. 在创作过程中每一位艺术家都有着自己的工作方式。

    Every artist has theirs own working way in creation .

  12. 是否必须在论坛里发布创作过程?

    Do I have to show my working process in the forum ?

  13. 设计者在创作过程中常需要使用图表快速记录下他们的突发灵感。

    Designers often need to write down their improvisatory ideas .

  14. 第二,不可靠叙述会引起一部分读者对小说的创作过程进行思考。

    Secondly , unreliable narration may provoke thoughts on novel writing in readers .

  15. 编导创作过程是实践性的活动过程。

    Creating and arranging dances are a practice process .

  16. 在整个创作过程中,情感的性能是多元化的。

    That in the whole process of literary productions , emotions are multi-functional ;

  17. 创作过程大致可分为导入和导出两个阶段。

    The process of creation is divided into induct and educe two stages .

  18. 文章对一个中小型商业服务楼的设计创作过程进行了总结。

    These are some words about the design of a mid size commercial complex .

  19. 朴中求真&华喦艺术陈列馆创作过程的思考

    Pursue Truth in Simplicity & Thinking of the Design of Huayan Art Exhibition Hail

  20. 纵观其全部作品,可以看出革命思想统摄着他的整个创作过程。

    Throughout his works the " revolutionary ideas " clearly governed his whole writing creation .

  21. “痕迹:刘小东文献展”关注的不是作品而是创作过程。

    Traces : Liu Xiaodong was an exhibition emphasising process rather than the final work .

  22. 同时,还探讨无意识在艺术创作过程中的重要作用。

    Meanwhile , it also discusses the important function of unconscious in art creation process .

  23. 物有几种不同含义,体现了文学创作过程中的三个阶段。

    The inanimate can be ambiguous , which embodies the three stages in literary creation .

  24. 本人在实践创作过程中,对两张画曾进行深入的研究和探索。

    I practice the creative process , on the two paintings have in-depth study and exploration .

  25. 摄像机记录的斯特拉提的创作过程表明,他天天敲钉的时间长达12个小时。

    A video record of the feat showed him nailing away for up to12 hours a day .

  26. 表现论者认为幻象是创作过程中艺术家的心理活动;

    While in Expressionism illusion refers to the artist 's psychological activities in the process of creation .

  27. 创作过程的初级阶段一一由物到意的艺术构思阶段。

    Part two Primary stage of create conception & the art conception stage from objects to meaning .

  28. 本文主要论述了围绕该主题进行的创作过程以及取得的经验感受。

    This article mainly discusses the revolve around the theme of the creative process and experience of feelings .

  29. 在此基础上,进一步对电视纪录片的人文精神和创作过程中世界作品创作者欣赏者等纪录要素及其相互关系进行了分析。

    This paper analyses such the key elements in documentary as " the world-the works-the creator-the audience " .

  30. 森林文化产品的创作过程也就是森林文化的丰富和创新过程。

    The process of creating forest culture products also is the process of enriching and innovating forest culture .