
  • 网络Innovative wisdom;creative wisdom
  1. 《新闻写作创新智慧》一书跳出了基础写作论著既有的理论框架,开拓了全新的只属于新闻写作的理论框架和基本范畴。

    In Innovations in News Writing , the author breaks the framework of theory of basic writing and find that of news writing .

  2. 潮人看重独立思考,信奉政治革新,崇拜创新与智慧。

    Hipsters value independent thinking , progressive politics , an appreciation of creativity and intelligence .

  3. 我一直是个乐观主义者。我认为创新和智慧可以让世界更美好。这一观点已经深深扎根于我的信念中。

    I 've always be an optimist and I supposed that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place .

  4. 论技术创新的伦理智慧

    On the Ethical Intelligence of Technological Innovation

  5. 简单地说,创新就是集体的智慧加乐趣。

    Innovation is simply group intelligence having fun .

  6. 智慧城市的建设方兴未艾,以科技和创新为特征的智慧城市建设已成为全球城市竞争的制高点。

    Characterized by high technique and innovation , the construction of Smart City has become the competition point among global cities .

  7. 女子高等教育应注重培养女大学生的创造性思维、创新人格和创新智慧、四自精神等基本素质。

    Women 's higher education should attach importance to cultivate female university students ' creative thought , innovative personality , innovative wisdom and " four-self " spirit .

  8. 用新的视角,认为创新思维和思维智慧在高校教学中应得到充分重视并加强引导。创新思维是未来头脑型社会的主流思维方式。

    From new perspective , the author argues that innovation thinking and thinking-wit should be paid much attention to and be strengthened guide in university teaching process and innovative thinking will be the mainstream thinking way in the mental society in the future .

  9. 本文认为WTO的理念将对我国高等教育带来以下的影响:WTO的自由平等精神与弘扬创新精神要求教育应弘扬创新智慧;

    The idea of WTO , the author holds , will exert the following major impacts on the higher education : the Organization 's spirit of freedom , equality and its emphasis on innovation demand that education develop innovative intelligence ;