
  • 网络rural society
  1. 乡村社会有组织犯罪及其成因研究

    Research on the Organized Crime of Rural Society and Its Reasons

  2. 乡村社会的宗教、实践及其变迁&对赣中S村宗教状况的田野调查

    Religion , Practice and Change of Religion in the Rural Society

  3. 在众多纠纷解决方式之中,非诉讼纠纷解决机制(ADR)正是符合乡村社会解决纠纷要求的理想方式之一。

    In numerous disputes resolvent , the non-litigation disputes solving mechanism ( ADR ) is exactly one of the ideal ways that matches Chinese country society to solve the disputes .

  4. 个体、社会与乡村社会转型&以个体化为视角

    Individual , Society and Rural Social Transformation & From Individualization Perspective

  5. 关系重构是乡村社会动员机制的实践逻辑。

    Reconstruction is the relationship between rural social mobilization practical logic .

  6. 中国乡村社会空间的形成与演化

    The formation and evolution of the rural social space in China

  7. 20世纪30年代的县政建设运动与乡村社会变迁&以五个县政建设实验县为基本分析样本

    County Administration Construction and Changes of Rural Society in the 1930s

  8. 论汉代的乡村社会组织&弹

    On Dan : Social Organization in the Countryside of Han Dynasty

  9. 调解是我国乡村社会一种传统的纠纷解决方式。

    Mediation is a traditional dispute resolution in Chinese rural society .

  10. 调解对乡村社会秩序的维持起到了重要作用。

    Mediation is important to keep the order in rural society .

  11. 农村副业与乡村社会变迁

    The Village Sideline and the Change of the Rural Society

  12. 普法与乡村社会中的法律控制

    The Promulgation of Laws and Legal Control in Rural Society

  13. 当代乡村社会中的社会资本研究

    Studies on the " Social Capital " in the Contemporary Rural Society

  14. 第二部分,乡村社会政治权力结构变迁的原因。

    Part two : Reasons of village social political rights structure changes .

  15. 第一、乡村社会外部关系的变化。

    First , change of the social external relation in the village .

  16. 公益活动与中国乡村社会资源

    Activities for Public Wellbeing and Sociocultural Resources in Rural China

  17. 论乡村社会林业的内涵实质与基本特征

    Discussion on Internal Essence and Main Expounds of the Countryside Society Forestry

  18. 社会学家常常赞美乡村社会。

    Sociologists frequently sing the praises of the Viilage society .

  19. 从乡村社会向城镇社会转型;

    The transition from rural society to the urban society ;

  20. 闽北乡村社会林业发展的项目带动策略

    Driving Strategy of Rural Social Forestry Development In the North of Fujian Province

  21. 土地制度变迁视野下的乡村社会

    Rural Society under the View of Changing Earth Institution

  22. 人民公社制度下的洪湖乡村社会

    Rural Honghu Society in the People 's Commune System

  23. 贵州水旱灾害与乡村社会(1912~1926)

    Guizhou Flood and Drought Disaster and Village Society ( 1912 ~ 1926 )

  24. 清代江南地区的乡村社会救济&以市镇为中心的考察

    Social Relief in Rural Areas South of Yangtze River during the Qing Dynasty

  25. 由乡村社会向城市社会的转化是我国目前正在经历的社会转型的主旋律。

    It is the trend that the rural society is turning towards the urban .

  26. 合作社组织与乡村社会变迁

    Cooperative Organizations and the Transformation of Rural Society

  27. 中国村民自治状态下的乡村社会政治控制问题研究

    The Research of the Country Political Control Problems in the Chinese Village People Autonomy

  28. 本文从人类学的角度论述了宗教在中国乡村社会控制中所起的作用。

    This article discussed functions of religion in social control in Chinese rural areas .

  29. 换句话说,建国后的乡村社会变迁无不与社会主义革命和建设相关。

    In other words , Rural Social Change and the Socialist Revolution is relevant .

  30. 乡村社会内卷化的生成结构研究

    The Shaping Construction of Evolution in Rural Society