
cǐ àn
  • this shore;temporality
此岸 [cǐ àn]
  • [temporality] 佛教用语。指存在生老病死的凡尘之世

此岸[cǐ àn]
  1. 因为诗歌中体现出来的呼求、忏悔、仰望、赞美都是指向你的,而你的道成肉身以俯就的姿势亲临此岸。

    As reflected in poetry cry , repent , and look up and praise all point to " you ", and " you " condescension of the Incarnation in order to visit this shore position .

  2. 她和她的伴侣、28岁的摄影师杰斯·T·杜根一起创建了一个名叫“此岸生存”的网站,记录了许多高龄变性人士的生活。

    With Jess T. Dugan , 28 , a photographer who is also her life partner , Ms. Fabbre has been documenting the lives of many of these people on a website called To Survive on This Shore .

  3. 从此岸到彼岸的反拨与超越&当代西方翻译研究中学派研究范式探析

    Reversing and Transcending : Paradigm of the Contemporary Western Translation Studies School

  4. 历史人物也不像先前那样被波涛从此岸向彼岸卷过来卷过去;

    Historical figures were not dashing abruptly from one side to the other ;

  5. 大洋彼岸的绿灯信号从此岸到彼岸&桥梁史话

    Green Light on the Other Side of Pacific Ocean The History Of Bridge

  6. 《古诗十九首》之女性形象&思妇的此岸形象与彼岸意义

    The feminine Image in the Nineteen Ancient Poems : Yearning Women in Reality and Ideology

  7. 如果这段大木头不搁浅在此岸,它将到达大海。

    If that log is not caught on the near bank , it will reach the ocean .

  8. 在儒家的本体论中,本体不离现象,彼岸与此岸不分。

    While in Confucian ontology , noumenon cannot exist without appearance and Faramita cannot be independent of temporality .

  9. 海浪向着彼岸漂去,也向着此岸推来;

    To drift towards the other side of the waves , but also to push toward the shore ;

  10. 第二,禅宗将佛国从渺茫的彼岸世界移到现实的此岸世界。

    Second , Zen moved Buddhist from the other side of the world to this side of the world .

  11. 马克思则把浪漫主义的追求和现实的途径结合起来,以实践开辟未来,搭起此岸通往彼岸的桥梁,从而完成了逻辑上的合题。

    Marx combines Romanticist pursuit and the practical approaches , pioneers the future with practice , and accomplishes logical harmony .

  12. 在此岸眺望彼岸,我认为现代生命诗学的表达是最体己的,也是最动人的。

    From this side to the other , I think modern life poetry is the most confidential and most moving literature expression .

  13. 此岸是指六种感官的门(六根门),即眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意。

    The words near bank refer to the six sense doors – eye , ear , nose , tongue , body and mind .

  14. 这种反射层和海洋一起,能把无线电波从大西洋的此岸送到彼岸。

    Such a reflecting layer , together with the sea , could channel radio waves from one side of the Atlantic ocean to other .

  15. 这种宗教倾向使人们的精神生活转向此岸,在以血缘为基础的人伦关系中寻找寄托。

    Such religious attitudes make people focus their spiritual life on this world rather than beyond and seek the ultimate soothing in human blood relationships .

  16. 不同于朦胧诗人对彼岸世界的追求,第三代诗人意在此岸的日常生活里找到生命存在的意义和身体参与的价值。

    The Third-generation write poet of everyday life in this side to find the meaning of life and physical existence of the value of participation .

  17. 在此岸形象浮出水面并得以深化的同时,彼岸意义也随着思维的扩散趋向于异样的空间。

    As the realistic image comes out and rises to a higher level , the ideological sense elevates to a strange space along with thought 's diffusion .

  18. 但是,基督教的本体论区分本体与现象,它以神的人格化完成了彼岸对此岸的关照。

    Christianity makes the distinction between noumenon and appearance in its ontology . It can show loving care for the temporality by means of the personifying God in heaven .

  19. 曾经在立意于此岸今生幸福的民族宗教指引下的规范体系却陷入了规范异化的万劫不复之地。

    Shore in this life has been happy this conception of " national religion " under the guidance of the standard system has fallen into a normative alienation to perdition .

  20. 如果修行八正道,就肯定能到达涅盘大海,因为不会搁浅在此岸或对岸等。

    If he develops the Noble Eightfold Path , he is certain to reach the ocean of Nibbana as he will not be kept on the far bank or the near bank etc.

  21. 在这一转变过程中,宗教精神给了他正视生命困境的巨大力量和勇气,史铁生由此洞悉了苦难之于人生的意义,进而在此岸对彼岸的眺望中,认识到过程之于人生的重要性。

    In this transition process , the religious spirit gave him strength and courage to face the enormous difficulties of life and an insight into the meaning which plight renders human being .

  22. 他们借由写实的媒介物,由艺术的此岸到彼岸,在精神的领域里登陆,讴歌艺术的灵魂。

    They have borrowed from the realism of the mediators , from this side to the other side of the arts , in the spirit of the landing field , singing the soul of art .

  23. 等他匆匆一歪一蹶,不再拐弯,便得沿着“运河”再往右弯,“运河”的此岸是床,彼岸是桌子。

    With a sudden twitch and lurch , he terminated the sheer and bore off to the right along a sort of canal , one bank of which was the bed , the other the table .

  24. 同一与矛盾、现实与理想以及此岸与彼岸的外在对立,仅是人类知性思维(主体形而上学思想)的产物。

    The same and contradictions , reality and ideals , and on this side and the other side of the external opposition , is only a product of human intellectual thinking ( the main metaphysical ideas ) .

  25. 佛教哲学虽讲彼岸世界,但它同时又认为彼岸世界不是一个上帝式的绝对实体,它就在心灵之中,是作为此岸的心灵能够实现的。

    Buddhism advocates the other shore , but yet it thinks that the world on the other shore is not an absolute entity as God , but something could be reached in the soul which is on this shore .

  26. 正是这四种范式的历史转换形成了现代性危机的历史,其本质是虚无主义,也即真理和价值在此岸-彼岸的双重失落。

    The historical shifts of these four paradigms constitute the evolution of modernity crises with nihilism at its core , which in essence , is the dual loss of truth and value between this world and the other world .