
shén jīnɡ ān suān
  • neuraminic acid;neuramic acid
  1. 实验中所观察到的肾小球花生凝集素染色增强标志着神经氨酸被清除。

    An increased glomerular staining with Peanut agglutinin lectin , indicate of removal of neuraminic acid , was noted .

  2. 唾液酸衍生物的合成及生物活性研究Ⅰ2-去氧-2,3-去氢-N-乙酰基神经氨酸的合成

    Studies of Synthesis and Biological Activity of Sialic Acid Derivatives ⅰ Synthesis of 2 Deoxy 2,3 dehydro N acetyl Neuraminic Acid

  3. 流感病毒的分类依据是病毒株表面发现的两种蛋白质,血凝素和神经氨酸苷酶,分别可以缩写为H和N。

    Flu viruses are classified based on two types of protein found on their surface , haemagglutinin and neuraminidase , which are abbreviated to H and N.

  4. 实验大鼠接受两次肝素酶III注射以消化HS,或两次神经氨酸酶注射以除去神经氨酸(阳性对照)。

    Rats received two intravenous injections of either heparinase III to digest HS or neuraminidase to remove neuraminic acids ( positive control ) .

  5. A型流感病毒还可以进一步细分,取决于其表面存在的两种蛋白质的亚型:血凝素(H)和神经氨酸苷酶(N)。

    And type A 's can be divided into further sub-categories , depending on the subtypes of two proteins present on their surface : hemagglutinin , ' H ' , and neuraminidase , ' N ' .

  6. 方法:采用神经氨酸苷酶对正常人及患者血清中ALP同工酶进行处理后进行琼脂糖等电聚焦。

    Methods : ALP isoenzymes in the serum of normal persons and tumor patients had been separated by agarose isoelectric focusing ( IEF ) .

  7. 与肿瘤相关的标志酶β-葡萄糖醛酸酶(β-G)和神经氨酸苷酶(NANase)活力在RA处理下,两项酶活力比对照细胞均显著降低。

    As both β - glucuronidase and neuraminidase activities of them markedly decreased in RA treated cells than in control cells .

  8. S.suis2的CPS由5种单糖组成,分别为葡萄糖、半乳糖、鼠李糖、N-乙酰葡糖胺和N-乙酰神经氨酸。

    The CPS of S. suis 2 is composed of five sugars : glucose , galactose , N-acetylglucosamine , rhamnose and sialic acid ( N-acetylneuraminic acid ), this latter component being related to virulence for other bacterial agents of meningitis .

  9. N-乙酰神经氨酸(Neu5Ac)是一类自然界中分布最广的唾液酸类化合物,它位于哺乳动物细胞表面糖蛋白和糖脂的末端。

    N-Acetylneuraminic acid ( Neu5Ac ), the most abundant sialic acid congener in nature , is found at the termini of glycoproteins and glycolipids on mammalian cell surfaces .

  10. 大肠杆菌N-乙酰神经氨酸裂合酶基因的组成型高效表达

    Constitutive High-Expression of the N-Acetylneuraminate Lyase Gene of Escherichia coli

  11. 不同来源的N-乙酰神经氨酸裂合酶的特性及在大肠埃希菌中的表达

    Characteristics and expression of N-acetylneuraminate lyases in Escherichia coli from different species

  12. 用神经氨酸苷酶处理后,麦胚凝集素受体的分布有明显变化。

    After the treatment with neuraminidase , the distributions of WGA receptors changed apparently .

  13. 神经氨酸苷酶抑制剂研究进展

    The progress of inhibitors of neuraminidase

  14. N-乙酰神经氨酸衍生物的合成及其在快速检测流感病毒中的应用

    The Synthesis of N-neuraminic Acid Derivates and the Application for the Rapid Test of Influenza Virus

  15. 血清N&乙酰神经氨酸在恶性肿瘤诊断中的医学决定水平与预后评估意义

    Medical determinate level of serum N & acetylneuraminic acid in diagnosis of malignant tumors and its significance of assessing prognosis

  16. N-乙酰-D-神经氨酸是一类特殊的氨基糖的重要代表,有重要的医药应用价值。

    N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid is an important representative of a distinct class of aminosugar compounds-neuraminic acid , and has potential commercial value .

  17. 呼吸系统内的细胞染上病毒,而且病毒开始复制之后,神经氨酸酵素会将新生的病毒切下以便侵犯其他细胞。

    After the virus infects the cells of the respiratory system and begins replicating , neuraminidase cuts the newly formed copies free to invade other cells .

  18. 然而给大鼠注射神经氨酸酶却可以使尿白蛋白大量增加,并伴有尿液游离神经氨酸增加。

    Injection of rats with neuraminidase , however , resulted in a major increase of urinary albumin and was associated with an increase in urinary free neuraminic acid .

  19. 结果各类恶性肿瘤组红细胞膜神经氨酸苷酶活力差异展都比对照组高,差异有非常显著性(P<0.001或<0.01);

    The results showed that the differences of neuraminidase activity on red cell membrane between various cancer groups and control group were significant ( P < 0.001 or P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 这一抗原决定簇对神经氨(糖)酸苷酶敏感,但对蛋白酶不敏感。

    This epitope is sensitive to neuraminidase , but insensitive to protease .