
piào jù xínɡ wéi
  • act on commercial instrument;acton commercial paper
  1. 票据行为是票据法的理论基础,其性质如何,各国立法和理论向来存在争议。

    Act on commercial instrument forms the theoretical base of commercial instrument act , but different countries have controversy about its character in legislation and theory .

  2. 票据行为性质之我见

    Some Opinions On The Character Of Act On Commercial Instrument

  3. 票据行为独立性是票据行为的一个关键问题。

    The independence of bill behavior is a key problem of it .

  4. 票据行为形式要件研究

    The Study of the Form Items of the Behavior of Negotiable Instrument

  5. 票据行为无因性立法之检视

    The Legislative Estimate of the Act on Commercial Instrument as An Abstract Act

  6. 然而,如此不加分析的直接适用,则会囿于票据行为的特殊品质而产生难以解决的困境。

    However , such direct application without analysis will lead to insurmountable difficulties .

  7. 票据行为性质的阐释

    Interpretation of the Nature of Acts on Commercial Instrument

  8. 析票据行为的法律性质

    On the legal nature of paying bill activity

  9. 论票据行为的抽象性

    A Discussion on Abstraction of Bill 's Behaviours

  10. 无论从经济行为的角度还是从法律行为的角度看,票据行为都是很重要的一个方面。

    Bill behavior is and important aspect of the economic behavior or legal behavior .

  11. 票据行为抽象性的法律价值在于保护持票人的利益。

    The legal value of bill 's abstraction is to protect holder 's benefit .

  12. 浅谈票据行为的独立性

    Simple Discussion on the Independence of Bill Behavior

  13. 浅析票据行为的意思表示

    Expression of Intention of Acts involving Negotiable Instruments

  14. 票据行为具有抽象性,票据关系与票据的基础关系相分离。

    Bill 's behaviour has abstraction . Bill 's relationship is separated from basic relationship .

  15. 票据行为的无因性不同于一般法律行为,具有自己的独特之处。

    As an abstract act , act on commercial instrument is different from other legal acts .

  16. 从历史来看,票据行为无因性规则由来已久。

    From a historical point of view , the notes without Cause Rules a long time .

  17. 以物权行为、票据行为及代理权授予行为的无因性理论为其典型表现形式。

    With right behavior , bill behavior and authority conferred as the theory of abstraction typical forms .

  18. 票据行为的意思表示应当遵循法律行为意思表示的一般规则。

    The expression of intention of acts involving negotiable instruments must follow the general rule of Juristic Acts .

  19. 论票据行为能力的法律适用&以实证比较与价值为视角

    Applicable Law for the Capacity of Act on Commercial Paper & from the Perspective of Empirical Comparison and Value

  20. 日内瓦公约体系和普通法系在票据行为能力法律适用方面的立法实践虽各有特点,但体现了融合的趋势。

    The applicable law of the act on commercial paper is based on Geneva Convention system and common-law system .

  21. 文章的第一部分是对背书定义和背书性质的分析,揭示了背书这一票据行为的特点。

    The first part of this article discloses the features of indorsement through the analysis of the definition and nature of indorsement .

  22. 相对无因性理论主张票据行为的相对无因性,也立足于动、静两方面安全的考虑。

    Relatively Uncausation theory advocates note behavior relative no , but also based on the dynamic , static security considerations of the two .

  23. 因此本文主张我国应在法律上明确确立票据行为的无因性原则,这主要是基于票据行为无因性原则本身的价值、意义;

    It is proposed that China should establish definite non-cause in bill conduct principle based on the value and significance of non-cause in bill conduct ;

  24. 承兑涂销是指付款人(承兑人)在已承兑的汇票上将其记载的承兑予以消除的票据行为。

    Modification of acceptance of bill denotes acts on instruments that payers ( acceptors ) did-write and sign on the bills and eliminate her writings afterwards .

  25. 在探讨票据行为无因性的涵义及其理论依据的基础上,指出了票据行为无因性的特点,并结合我国现行法的规定,提出了自己的看法。

    The paper discusses the implications as well as the rationale of act on commercial instrument , summarizes its characteristics , and proposes some personal views on the issue .

  26. 为了规范票据行为,保障票据活动中当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制订本法。

    This law is formulated for the purpose of standardizing negotiable instrument acts protecting the legal rights of parties concerned in negotiable instrument activities , maintaining the socialist market economy .

  27. 针对这一问题,学界普遍认同票据行为可以直接适用民法中关于表见代理的相关条文。

    In order to solve this problem , scholars generally agree that negotiable instruments behaviour can be directly applied to the relevant provisions of Civil Law about bill apparent agency .

  28. 而在德国私法体系中,具有无因性的法律行为,并不仅限于物权行为和票据行为。

    But in the system of German civil law , the legal behaviors which have the character of the abstract are not limited to behavior of real right and documentary .

  29. 第一章主要分析了票据行为形式要件的法理基础、定义域界定,及其对票据行为独立性的影响;

    Chapter One analyzes the legal frame , definition of the form item of the behavior of negotiable instrument and its influence on the independence of the behavior of negotiable instrument .

  30. 国际上对票据行为能力的法律适用原则以日内瓦公约体系、普通法系最为典型。

    As to the issue of the actor on commercial paper , most countries haven 't talked about it and its interpretation is applicable to the general principles of civil law .