
  • 网络altarpiece
  1. 他们不但将注意力转移到祭坛画的绘制上,还在努力寻找一种更真实的画法。

    They will not only draw the altar , but also trying to find a more " real " painting .

  2. 当时他受命给罗马一座教堂的祭坛画一幅圣马太的像。

    He was given the task of painting a picture of St Matthew for the alter of a church in rome .

  3. 这个西班牙家庭从19世纪中期开始就拥有了这幅油彩木板便携式祭坛画《基督受洗图》,但是他们并不知道这幅画的价值。

    The Spanish family that has owned the oil-on-wood portable altarpiece , The Baptism of Christ , since the mid-19th Century , did not know what they had .

  4. 在米兰期间,他创作肖像画和祭坛背壁装饰画,从而奠定了意大利北部一代人的整个艺术方向。

    In Milan he painted portraits and altarpieces that established the whole direction of art in northern Italy for a generation .