
  • 网络fuzhou dialect;Foochow
  1. 因为从来在我们姐弟心里,福州话是最难懂难说的!

    We had both thought that the Fuzhou dialect was indeed most difficult for anyone to learn .

  2. 马祖话与福州话同属闽东方言区南片方言,其常用词语大同小异,有着密切的渊源关系,是海峡两岸语言文化同根同源的有力佐证。

    Matsu dialect and Fuzhou dialect belong to the same south dialect of the east Fujian province , whose common phrases have a close relationship . This is convincing evidence to show the same root of eross-straits language culture .

  3. 所以,我永远说福州话给他们。

    So , I always say " Fuzhouhua " to them .

  4. 它们是中文,英语和福州话。

    They are Chinese , English and " Fuzhouhua " .

  5. 在中国我有说福州话,甚至现在也有说。

    I speak the " Fuzhouhua " in China , even now !

  6. 语言能力:北京话、上海话、福州话。

    Language Ability : Beijing , Shanghai , Fuzhou .

  7. 我会说福州话那是因为我说福州话给我的奶奶和爷爷。

    I know it that is because I speak it to my grandmother and grandfather .

  8. 本文补充语例并从意义、音变、结构等方面加以分析,作为福州话‘做’字的结篇。

    This paper attempts to analyze its meaning , sound change and structure by supplementing more examples , as the sequel of the word " Do " of Fuzhou Dialect .

  9. 文章试图从莆仙话的声母系统、韵母系统及其音韵结构三个方面,具体揭示福州话在莆仙话内部的扩散。

    We will verify the diffusion of Fuzhou dialect in Puxian dialect by three aspects , that is , the diffusion of the consonant system , the diffusion of vowel system , and the diffusion of phonology of Fuzhou dialect .