
  • 网络BAK-KUT-THE;Bak Kut The;Bak Kut Teh;Bak-Kut-Teh;bakuteh
  1. 肉骨茶有很多不同的做法。

    There are different versions of bak kut teh .

  2. 肉骨茶最早出现在英国殖民统治下的巴生港,位于今天的马来西亚。

    Bak Kut Teh has its origin in port Klang area of the present day Malaysia , during British colonial administration .

  3. Porkribtea在当地也叫bakkutteh,字面意思就是肉骨茶,发音源自中国福建省的方言。

    Pork rib tea is also called bak kut teh locally , which literally means meat bone tea , pronounced in the dialect of Fujian province in China .

  4. Porkribtea在当地也叫bakkutteh,字面意思就是“肉骨茶”,发音源自中国福建省的方言。

    Pork rib tea is also called bak kut teh locally , which literally means " meat bone tea , " pronounced in the dialect of Fujian province in China .

  5. 肉骨茶通常用来搭配米饭或面条。

    It is usually served with rice or with noodles .

  6. 这就是最早的肉骨茶。

    This is the origin of Bak Kut Teh .

  7. 广东肉骨茶因为当地特有的煲汤文化,加入了一些中药材,因此带有浓厚的药材味道。

    The Cantonese , with soup-drinking culture , add medicinal herbs to create a stronger flavoured soup .

  8. 大多数海外华人,尤其是居住在东南亚地区的海外华人都品尝过肉骨茶。

    Most overseas Chinese , especially those living in South East Asia , have tried bak kut teh .

  9. 在新加坡有三种肉骨茶:最常见的是潮州肉骨茶,色泽清淡,但汤中胡椒味儿较浓;

    In Singapore , there are three types of bak kut teh . The most common variant is the Teochew style , which is light in color but uses more pepper in the soup .