
ròu lèi jiā ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ
  • Meat processing plant;Meat Packing Plant
  1. 通过实测、居民询问和扩散模式计算得到结果的综合判断,认为年产能力1500吨的肉类加工厂卫生防护距离以100m为宜。

    In comparison with the results of diffusion model computation , epidemiological investigation and pollution detection , it was suggested that hygienic protection zone was 100 meters from the plant with annual processing capacity of 1500 Ton meat .

  2. 它的名字Bubbly就是来源于水面上的污染物的腐烂在水面上产生了气泡。肉类加工厂的废弃物包括血、粪便肥料以及各种动物躯体的部分都被倒进附近的河道,这种现象已经持续有一个多世纪了。

    It gets its name from bubbles rising to the surface from the area 's chief pollutant : decomposing animal carcasses . Meatpacking waste including blood , manure , urine , and various body parts was dumped into the channel by the nearby Union Stockyard for over a century .

  3. 小型肉类加工厂卫生防护距离的研究

    A Study of the Hygienic Protection Zone of a Small Meat Processing Plant

  4. 这些城市的居民大多在肉类加工厂、面粉厂、乳制品厂和炼油厂工作。

    People in those cities work in meat-packing plants , flour mills , dairies and refineries .

  5. 他指出,肉类加工厂问题频出,它们很可能会不计后果地追逐利润。

    He cited recurring problems at meat processors , which can be reckless in their pursuit of profit .

  6. 纽约市地标图片。光滑的有计划的海上的酒店在时尚的切尔西坐落两个街区恰好时尚的肉类加工厂以北。

    The sleekly designed Maritime Hotel in hip Chelsea sits two blocks north of the even hipper Meatpacking District .

  7. 我们餐厅选用的牛肉都是优质的,是从国内最好的肉类加工厂进货的。

    All of our beef is of the finest quality . It 's from the finest packing house in our country .

  8. 但专家们也表示,虽然新规要求对肉类加工厂和生产商进行检查,但执行没有跟上,食品安全事件经常见于当地媒体的报端。

    But they say enforcement hasn 't kept up with new regulations mandating inspections of meat processing plants and manufacturers , and episodes of food problems are commonly reported by local media .

  9. 这些中奖者是在美国中西部的内布拉斯加州一家肉类加工厂工作。

    The winners work at a meat processing plant in the mid-western state of Nebraska . We visit the cities and towns that shaped their lives : Lucca , Pisa , and Milan .

  10. 该方法灵敏度高,操作简便快速,应用于北京某肉类加工厂生产的灌肠类肉制品中亚硝酸盐的残留量的测定,结果令人满意。

    The method is sensitive , and easy to operate , and was used for the determination of remaining nitrite in the sausage product in a meat-packing plant of Beijing with satisfactory results .

  11. 对杭州肉类联合加工厂的屠宰废水,采用总容积48m~3(24m~3×2)的厌氧滤器在自然温度下进行处理的中间试验。

    The pilot experiments of treating the slaughter-house Wastewater from Hangzhou Meat Processing complex by using an anaerobic filter with the total capacity of 48m ~ 3 ( 24m ~ 3 × 2 ) at natural temperature have been carried on for nearly one year to produce biogas .