
ròu pái
  • steak;cutlet;rib
肉排 [ròu pái]
  • [steak] 牛排或猪排

肉排[ròu pái]
  1. 我在烤架上又放了一块肉排。

    I put another steak on the barbecue .

  2. 我给狗一块挺好的肉排,可它却看不上。

    I gave the dog a lovely steak , and it just looked down its nose at it !

  3. 我给你叫什么菜?肉排还是鱼?

    What shall I order for you ? Steak or fish ?

  4. 敷有碾碎的胡椒籽的肉排,用平底锅烤熟,和白兰地酒与黄油沙司一起食用。

    Steak covered with crushed peppercorns pan-broiled and served with brandy-and-butter sauce .

  5. 肉排是这么香,使得他垂涎欲滴了。

    The steak is so delicious that he 's licking his lips .

  6. 现在请你煎肉排吧!

    And now suppose you put the chops on .

  7. 尽管他所没有肉排的生活不像生活了。

    Though he says life is not life unless it includes a steak .

  8. 我把肉排煎上好吗,吉姆?

    Shall I put the chops on , Jim ?

  9. 我肯定有人还想要块肉排。

    I 'm sure somebody would like another cutlet .

  10. 你看着像块肉排吗?

    Do I look like a stake to you ?

  11. 生活条件较好的人家,接待客人的牦牛肉排,饼子和奶茶。

    The rich family receive guests with Yak meat , biscuit and milk tea .

  12. 去皮鸡胸肉和火鸡丶瘦猪肉,例如:肉眼,角肉或法兰肉排(炒牛肉)

    Skinless chicken breast and turkey , pork loin , tenderloin , flank steak .

  13. 这块肉排中间部分不熟。

    The steak was uncooked in the middle .

  14. 我能再帮你切好肉排吗

    Can I please cut up your meat ?

  15. 非常的棒,尤其是这肉排。

    It 's lovely , especially the steak .

  16. 来吧小伙们乖乖个肉排

    Come on , boys ! Holy schnitzel !

  17. 这儿的肉排很好吃。

    The steak 's very good here .

  18. 所以下一次你准备做海象肉排的时候,要把它煮熟煮透。

    So next time you prepare a walrus steak , cook it to well done .

  19. 你们是不是打赌在牛肉片上的奶酪融化前你能吃多少炸肉排

    You bet on how much schnitzel you can eat before you 're craving a patty melt ?

  20. 感谢这位和善热情的女招待,让我享受了一顿美味的驯鹿肉排和芬兰风情!

    Thanks to this kind waitress , I enjoyed a delicious randeer meat and pure Finish taste .

  21. 我周围的人都象苍蝇一样死去了,而我还幻想着肉排和爱情。

    They died around me like flies , and I had fantasies about meat cutlets and love .

  22. 我们点了两道肉排。

    We ordered two steaks .

  23. 仅需要一分钟的微波加热,汉堡肉排在烧烤时就几乎不会产生杂环胺类物质。

    Just one minute of microwaving a burger before you put it on the grill virtually eliminates HCAs .

  24. 你可以从牛仔肉排、猪排、鸡汁面和什锦炒饭里选一个。

    We can choose one from veal cutlet , pork chop , chicken noodle soup , or ten-ingredient deluxe fried ice .

  25. 他从来不吃汤团,他不吃…什么都不吃,只吃肉排,而且爱吃半生不熟的。

    He never eats dumplings , he don 't. .. he eats nothing but steaks , and he likes ' em rare .

  26. 七点钟,她煮好了咖啡,把煎锅置于热炉上,随时都可作肉排。

    At 7 o'clock the coffee was made and the frying-pan was on the back of the stove hot and ready to cook the chops .

  27. 英式羊排也是英国的传统美食。在英国,肉排这一概念在17世纪出现,那时伦敦的饭店才开始烹制个人分量的肉类食品。

    In Great Britain , the idea of a chop comes from the 17th century , when London chophouses started cooking individual portions of meat .

  28. 这种方法最适于肉质较硬的牛腿后牛颈肉排,侧腹肉排,炖煮的牛肉和短肋。

    This method is best suited to less tender cuts such as round or chuck steak , flank steak , stew beef , and short ribs .

  29. 这就是为什么如果你想熬夜就应该吃点儿肉排(最好是草食动物),而不是意面。

    Thats why you should have the steak ( extra points for grass fed ) and avoid the pasta if you want to stay up late .

  30. 最近供应的菜肴包括炸鸡腿配甘蓝(235克朗)、壮观的驯鹿肉排搭配烤榛子和冻奶油(295克朗)。

    Recent offerings included fried rooster thigh with kohlrabi ( 235 kronor ) and a spectacular reindeer steak with roasted hazelnuts and frozen butter ( 295 kronor ) .