
ròu lèi shí pǐn
  • Meat food;meat product
  1. 肉类食品因其含有丰富的营养物质,极易受到微生物的侵害。

    Because the meat product have abundant nutriment , it is liable to invade by microorganism .

  2. 我国肉类食品的市场特点及冷藏运输需求

    Market Characteristics and Refrigerated Transport Demand of Meat Products in China

  3. 因为没有一种单一的植物食品和肉类食品一样有营养。

    Because no single plant food is as nutritious as meat .

  4. 以生肉类食品的污染率为高(385%)。

    Raw meats had the high contamination rate of 38.5 % .

  5. 乙二胺四乙酸减量滴定法快速测定肉类食品中的微量镉

    Determination of Cadmium Content in Meat Foodstuffs by EDTA Decrement Titration

  6. 肉类食品安全认知和选择行为

    Consumers ' Behavior of Perception and Choice to Meat-like Food Safety

  7. 肉类食品你最多可以冷冻三个月。

    You can freeze most meat at least three months safely .

  8. 我国食品安全问题的法律与制度研究&关于我国肉类食品亚硝酸盐超标问题的现状与对策

    A Study of Law and System about China ′ s Food Safety

  9. 冻结肉类食品远红外辐射加热解冻的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of Meat Thawing Methods with Far IR Radiation

  10. 加强肉类食品安全监督体系建设的对策

    On construction of a supervisory system of meat products safety

  11. 2002年中国肉类食品行业金牌企业排行榜

    List of gold-brand establishments of Chinese meat industry in 2002

  12. 固相萃取-色谱分析在奶制品和肉类食品分析中的应用;

    Application of SPE-chromatography in analysis of a variety of water samples ;

  13. 虹膜识别在肉类食品安全追溯系统中的应用及关键技术研究

    Research on the Application of Iris Recognition in Meat-food Supply Chain Management

  14. 微生物源肉类食品安全的现状分析及检测技术

    Analysis and Detection Technology in Meat Food Safety Come from Microbial Sources

  15. 您带没带水果或肉类食品?

    Do you have any fruits or meat with you ?

  16. 肉类食品的化学性污染及其防治措施

    The Chemical Pollution of Meat Food and Its Preventive Measures

  17. 泰州市肉类食品安全现状与对策

    Safety status and countermeasure of meat food in Tai-zhou city

  18. 杭州市市售肉类食品中单增李斯特菌污染状况调查研究

    Investigation on contamination status of meat food with Listeria monocytogenes in Hangzhou

  19. 这些家伙,是靠推销肉类食品过活?

    These guys , for a living theyre meat salesman ?

  20. 有的人在肉类食品选择方面甚至比素食主义者更为严格。

    Some people are even stricter about eating animal products than vegetarians .

  21. 食品安全环境下的肉类食品可追溯系统的构建

    Traceability System for Meat Products under Food Safety Circumstance

  22. 影响肉类食品冷冻质量的因素

    Research on the influent factors of freezing meat quality

  23. 肉类食品微生物学检验的制样方法

    Methods for Preparation of Samples of Microbiological Examination on meat and Meat Products

  24. 腐败微生物的大量增殖是造成肉类食品腐败的主要原因。

    The growth of microorganism is the most important cause of meat spoilage .

  25. 超市生鲜肉类食品发展趋势

    The Development Trends of Fresh Red Meat in Supermarket

  26. 鸡是另一个流行的中国肉类食品。

    Chicken is another meat popular in Chinese meals .

  27. 肉类食品放在木头桌上是不卫生的。

    The meat is unhygienically processed on wooden tables .

  28. 冷冻肉类食品在不同的冷冻条件下会有不同的品质变化。

    The quality of frozen meat foods will be varied under different frozen condition .

  29. 食欲下降,特别厌食肉类食品。

    Loss of appetite , especially anorexia meat .

  30. 屠宰牲畜并对其进行加工制成肉类食品的工厂。

    A plant where livestock are slaughtered and processed and packed as meat products .