
guàn tou
  • can;tin;tin,can
罐头 [guàn tou]
  • [tin,can] 加工后装在密封铁皮罐子或玻璃瓶里的食品,可以经久不坏

罐头[guàn tou]
  1. 她飞快地跑去买了一听罐头汤。

    She popped out to buy a tin of soup .

  2. 她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。

    She 'd cut a jagged hole in the tin , bending a knife in the process .

  3. 我们像罐头里的沙丁鱼一般紧紧挤在一起。

    We were jammed together like sardines in a can .

  4. 客厅地上丢满了脏东西和罐头听。

    The living-room floor was littered with filth and tin cans

  5. 他仅靠喝水、吃鱼罐头过活。

    He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish

  6. 各种豆类罐头制品是很好的常备食品。

    Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby

  7. 厨房的橱柜里备有汤罐头和食品罐头。

    The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food .

  8. 罐头应该防止受潮。

    The tins had to be kept away from dampness .

  9. 星期天午餐总是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头。

    It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch .

  10. 他们往往会买便宜的加工食品,像鸡肉罐头和通心粉之类的。

    They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni .

  11. 难民们像罐头里的沙丁鱼般紧紧挤在一起。

    The refugees were packed like sardines .

  12. 这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。

    This is a very handy tool for opening cans .

  13. 我们从来不吃罐头食品。

    We never eat anything out of a tin .

  14. 上蔬菜前,先把罐头里的液体倒掉。

    Drain the liquids from the tin before you serve the vegetables .

  15. 本店运销各种罐头。

    We carry a full line of canned goods .

  16. 我喜欢做饭,但我回家之后通常是打开一个罐头吃吃了事。

    I like cooking , but more often than not I just open a tin of something when I get home .

  17. 今天肉品市场上没有鲜肉了,你们只好吃罐头了。

    There is no fresh meat in the market today , so you 'll have to content yourselves with something out of a tin .

  18. 除此之外,你还应该开始了解冷冻食品和罐头食品。

    The other sections you should get to know are the frozen foods and the canned goods .

  19. 罐头是种植作物的自然延伸。

    Canning is a natural extension of the planting she does .

  20. 离开罐头厂:要求的具体时间。

    Departing from the Cannery : Tell time upon request .

  21. 下雨7:00-9:00从罐头厂出发

    Departing from the Cannery 7 : 00 pm and 9 : 00 pm

  22. 下午5:00-7:00从罐头厂出发

    Departing form the Cannery 5 : 00 pm and 7 : 00 pm

  23. 离开罐头厂:下午6:30-8:30

    Departing from the Cannery : 6 : 30 pm and 8 : 30 pm

  24. 我让你负责装罐头,就是要你明白食物的成分和来源。

    " Canning for me is about knowing what 's in your food , knowing where it comes from . "

  25. 在一次性经济中,猫在15年的寿命里会使用掉5475个罐头。

    In a throwaway economy , you would throw away 5,475 cans over the cat 's 15 – year lifetime .

  26. 在循环经济中,会先制造100罐罐头,然后用回收的罐头反复替换。

    In a recycling economy , we would make one set of 100 cans to start with , then replace them over and over again with recycled cans .

  27. 洛伊和她的家人在洛杉矶仅有0.1英亩的土地上种植,并将他们所食用的大部分食物装入罐头里保存。

    On a mere 1 / 10 of an acre in Los Angeles , Loe and her family grow , can and preserve much of the food they consume .

  28. 但总得来说,猫的一生只会消耗150个罐头——还有100个可以剩给下一只猫。

    But in all , only 150 cans will be used up over the cat 's lifetime – and we 'll still have 100 left over for the next cat .

  29. 他喜欢逛超市,因为超市里有很多五颜六色的罐头和盒子。

    He enjoyed trips to the supermarket because of all the colourful cans and boxes in it .

  30. 罐头水果通常都有许多糖浆。

    Tinned fruit usually has a lot of syrup with it .