
  • 网络Gospel;GOSPEL MUSIC
  1. 这个乐队演奏灵歌和福音音乐的变奏曲。

    The group perform variations on soul and gospel music .

  2. 他还喜欢爵士乐,一度当过爵士乐手,与人合著过一本关于爵士、布鲁斯与福音音乐的绘本《哦,苏珊娜》(OSusanna),该书于1959年出版。

    He was a jazz lover , once worked as a jazz musician , and collaborated on O Susanna , an illustrated book on jazz , blues and gospel music published in 1959 .

  3. 在他的童年时期,他主要听的都是福音音乐。

    Before he was a teenager , he listened to mostly gospel music .

  4. 业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。

    SECOND LOVE : Music , ranging from gospel to rock and roll .

  5. 美国黑人福音音乐发展渊源和宗教世俗双重性

    American Black Gospel Music : Its Roots and Its Religious and Secular Characteristics

  6. 而像这种福音音乐不畅销。

    And gospel like that doesn 't sell .

  7. 他不喜欢我们的福音音乐。

    He didn 't like our gospel .

  8. 福音音乐有强烈的节奏。

    Gospel music has strong rhythms .

  9. 他是听福音音乐,蓝草音乐,节奏布鲁斯和乡村音乐长大的。

    He grew up listening to gospel , bluegrass , rhythm and blues , and country .

  10. 我们将会全数用在福音音乐的制作上,来散布上帝的爱,平安,和喜乐。

    We will use your donation to produce Gospel Music that will spread God 's love , peace and joy .

  11. 小时候,她被禁止听世俗音乐并在2001年时出了一张同名的福音音乐唱片。

    She was even forbidden to listen to secular bands as a child then Katy released a self-titled Christian album in2001 under her original name .