
  • 网络Yuzhou;yuzhou city
  1. 禹州市为河南省重要的古陶瓷产地之一,是宋代五大名瓷之一钧瓷的故乡。

    Yuzhou City is an important ancient ceramic producing area in Henan Province and the hometown of Jun porcelain-one of the five most famous porcelains of the song Dynasty .

  2. 钧台位于河南省禹州市北门里。

    JuntaiYuzhou in Henan Province is located in the north door .

  3. 禹州市钧陶瓷生产制作历史悠久,得天独厚的自然资源为钧陶瓷产业发展提供了强有力的保障。

    Advantaged natural resources provide the powerful safeguard for the development of Jun and Pottery industry .

  4. 结论慢性非传染性疾病对禹州市居民的健康与寿命构成主要威胁;

    Conclusions : The death pattern of Yu Zhou residents have undergone important changes . Chronic non - infectious diseases are the major threat to public health .