
  1. 其二,洪水神话以避难题材为主,但也反映主动抗争精神,如鲧禹治水;

    Flood myth with topic of " seeking refuge " is lord , but also reflect the active spirit , just as the Gong and Yu conquered the flood ;

  2. 舜又命鲧之子禹治水,禹“居外十三年,过家门不敢人”,用疏导法治水,导小水入于川,导川水致于海。

    Then , Shun recruited Yu , Gun , s son , to continue the work . Spending a backbreaking thirteen years and bypassing his house three times but never going in , Yu dredged new river channels as outlets , guiding water to river and river to sea .

  3. 禹在治水13年中,非常繁忙,竟至三过家门而不入。

    Yu flood at13 years , very busy , had three home without .

  4. 禹是治水安民的历史英雄人物。

    Yu is the hero of controlling flood .

  5. 禹总结父亲治水失败的教训,领导人民疏通江河,兴修沟渠,发展农业。

    Yu summed up his father flood learn from the failure of the leadership of the people to clear the rivers , irrigation ditches , the development of agriculture .

  6. 禹出生地是北川;禹是历史的神话;禹治水的地域广阔,不仅有中原地区,还包括长江流域的一些地方,禹应到过重庆;禹与巫山神女无关。

    Yu was born in Beichuan . Yu is a historical myth . The flood area Yu control was broad , it include not only Huang River but also Chang River .