
  • 网络ICS;Ion Chromatography
  1. DIONEX-16型离子色谱仪的改装

    Refitment of DIONEX-16 ion chromatography

  2. 离子色谱仪测定工业循环水中阴离子含量

    Determination of Five Anions in Industrial Recycled Water by Ion Chromatography

  3. 一种新颖的普及型离子色谱仪芳香烃在简单盐水溶液中ks值的计算

    Calculation of Salt Effect Constants k_s for Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Simple Ion Aqueous Salt Solution

  4. ZIC-A型离子色谱仪中淋洗液的浓度和pH值对分析结果有很大影响,实验证明选择适当的淋洗液浓度和pH值,既可改善分离效果,又能缩短分析时间,提高仪器的灵敏度。

    Concentration and pH value of eluent in ZIC - ⅱ A ionic chromatography impacts heavily on its testing results . Selecting suitable concentration and pH value in eluent could improve separating effect , shorten testing time and enhance the sensitivity of the meter .

  5. SY-221型离子色谱仪的调试和应用

    Test and Applications of Model SY-221 Ion Chroma-tography

  6. DX-120型离子色谱仪在水质检测中的应用

    Application of Ion Chromatograph in Water Quality Testing

  7. DX-80型离子色谱仪在地表水常见阴离子监测中的应用

    Application of DX-80 ion chromatograph in the monitoring of common anions in surface water

  8. 本文利用Cr3+能与草酸形成稳定的络合物,而且此络合物溶液的浓度与其吸光度呈线性关系的性质,在低压过渡金属离子色谱仪上,通过流动注射分析法测定了络合物的浓度,从而得知铬含量。

    According to the nature that Cr3 + can form a stable complex with oxalic acid , and the content of the complex solution presents linear relation with its light-absorbed degree , the concentration of the complex can be determined by flowing-injecting method in low-Pressure transitive metal ion chromatograph .

  9. 利用Dx-600离子色谱仪及外加水梯度洗脱程序对南极雪冰样品中的有机酸离子组分进行了测试和分析,初步探讨雪冰中有机酸离子特征及其对雪冰化学记录的影响。

    Using of Dx-600 Ion-chromatography and gradient elution , the organic acid ion of snow and ice samples collected from Antarctica is determined and analyzed , and the characteristics of the organic acid ion and its influence on snow ice chemistry record are discussed .

  10. 低压过渡金属离子色谱仪在制革化学中的应用

    Application of Low Pressure Transition Metal Ion Chromatography in Leather Chemistry

  11. 微机控制离子色谱仪自动操作与数据处理系统

    Preparation of Automatic Control and Data Processing System in Ion Chromatography

  12. 离子色谱仪是一个高精度的数据采集、处理系统。

    The ion chromatography instrument is a high accuracy data acquisition system .

  13. 可见分光光度检测离子色谱仪分析铬鞣液中铬含量

    Analysing Chromium Content of Chromium Tanning Solution by Visual Photometric Detection Chromatograph

  14. 用离子色谱仪测定八种煤的表面浸出离子的含量,发现煤表面浸出的离子主要为钙、镁、钠、氯和硫酸根离子。

    The dissolved ions of eight coals were measured by ion chromatograph ;

  15. 新型阴离子抑制器在DX-500型离子色谱仪上的应用

    Application of a new anion suppressor on DX - 500 ion chromatograph

  16. 用离子色谱仪测定水中的氟的不确定度

    Determination of the uncertainty of fluoride in water by using ion analyzer

  17. 低压离子色谱仪分析稀土含量

    Analysis of Rare-Earth Element Content by Low Pressure Ion Chromatograph

  18. 国产离子色谱仪直接进样测定饮用水中溴酸盐

    Determination of bromate in drinking water by direct injection with Chinese-made ion chromatograph

  19. 低压离子色谱仪的原理及应用

    Principle and Application of Low Pressure Ion Chromatograph

  20. 计算机控制离子色谱仪分级淋洗技术

    Computer Aided Stepwise Gradient Technique in Ion Chromatography

  21. DX-2000Ⅰ型离子色谱仪的改进

    Improvement of DX - 2000i ion chromatograph

  22. 离子色谱仪检测离子的几点体会

    Some Experience on Ion Chromatographic Instrument

  23. 封闭式国产离子色谱仪的研制

    Development of a sealed ion chromatograph

  24. 详细介绍了离子色谱仪的构造、功能,以及离子色谱技术的发展状况。

    This paper introduced in detail instrument structure , function and technique development of ion chromatography .

  25. 离子色谱仪的发展现状

    Current status of ion chromatograph

  26. 本文介绍了一种用低压离子色谱仪分析稀土总量的新型分析方法。

    A new method is described for analysis of rare-earth element content by low pressure ion chromatograph .

  27. 我们采用离子色谱仪(试剂免费)测试硝酸盐,钙,锶。

    We use an ion chromatograph ( reagent free ) to test for nitrates , calcium and strontium .

  28. 提及了离子色谱仪硬件的一些新发展和新概念&只加水和电极化的离子色谱床。

    It also mentioned some new hardware of IC and new concepts-Just add water and Electrically polarized ion-exchange beds .

  29. 建立了一种以微波提取气态污染物中的硫酸雾,用离子色谱仪进行分析的方法,微波提取效率高,提取时间短。

    Sulfuric acid fume on gaseous pollutants are extracted by microwave and analyzed by ion chromatography . The extraction time is shorter while the extraction rate is higher .

  30. 离子色谱仪属于依法管理计量器具,它主要用于环保监测、自来水、食品、医药等方面的样品分析。

    Ion chromatography is measuring instrument of legal managements , it is mainly used for environmental monitoring , and the sample analysis of water , food , medicine atc .