
  • 网络Discrete;discrete function
  1. 离散函数的生成规律及广义GM模型

    The Generating Rate of Discrete Function and the Generalized GM-Model

  2. 在再生核空间W12中,借助于再生核函数,利用离散函数的逼近讨论微分方程数值整体积分方法。

    In the space of reproducing kernel W 2 1 , through the reproducing kernel function and by using the numberical approximation of discrete function .

  3. 有限离散函数的微分与积分

    The new concepts of differential and integral in finite discrete function

  4. 有限离散函数导数的几何和极限表现

    Derivative Behaviors in Geometry and Limit for Finite Discrete Function

  5. 多元离散函数的线性拟合及其应用

    The Linear Regression And Application of Multivariant Discrete Function

  6. 多元有限离散函数的偏导数与微分

    Partial differentiations and derivatives for multivariate finite discrete functions

  7. 函数的大范围展开与离散函数的逼近

    The expansion of functions in a large area and approximation of discrete functions

  8. 目的:研究灰色模型离散函数的表达形式。

    Objective : Study the expression form of the discrete function of gray model .

  9. 第五节提出离散函数的粗不动点的概念,给出粗糙连续函数的粗不动点定理,并做了一定探讨。

    In section 5.5 , a notion of rough fix-points of discrete functions is defined .

  10. 有限离散函数的性质

    Properties of finite discrete function

  11. 离散函数的展式

    Expansions of Discrete Functions

  12. 结果:离散函数的近似函数就是灰色模型的传统函数。

    Result : The approximate function of the dispersed function is a traditional function of the gray model .

  13. 通过引入最佳平均逼近直线,分别从几何直观和极限情形两个角度,研究了有限离散函数的导数概念的表现。

    It shows that the derivative of finite discrete function is locally approximate to the one under continuous case .

  14. 对多元有限离散函数引入了偏导数及微分新概念,并讨论了其性质。

    The partial differentiations and derivatives are introduced for multivariate finite discrete functions , and the properties of which are discussed .

  15. 结果表明,在局部情况下,有限离散函数导数近似等于连续情形下的导数.在运算性质上,有限离散函数导数的性质非常相似于连续情形时的导数性质。

    It shows that the derivatives and operation properties of finite discrete functions are locally approximate to the ones of continuous functions .

  16. 本文论证了非负光滑离散函数累加生成后具有近似的指数规律,即灰指数律。

    It is shown that the grey exponential law can be obtained by means of accumulative generation for non-negative smooth discrete function .

  17. 在非标准分析框架下,用离散函数定义新广义函数,用差商定义其导数。

    By using nonstandard analysis , we define new generalized functions as discrete functions , and their derivatives are defined as difference quotients .

  18. 采用适合离散函数的网格法研究小麦籽粒的长度、宽度、厚度、单粒质量等参数间的分形特性。

    Fractional characteristics between length , width , thickness and weight of a single kernel were studied by using net method that adapted to the discrete function .

  19. 由于离散函数的导数不存在,因此,如何处理导数信号,是建立灰色模型的关键。

    The derivative of dispersed function doesn 't exist , so that , how to deal with the derivative is the key to set up grey model .

  20. 本文对于由具有一个指标的离散函数组成的离散泛函空间建立了一系列内插公式。

    The purpose of the present work is to establish a series of general interpolation formulas for the discrete functional spaces of discrete functions with one index in somewhat complete forms .

  21. 构造满足关联空间的关联离散函数,从中确定关联性最大,隶属程度最高的某个序列进行水库水环境质量评价。

    Satisfaction relation space , from which to ensure the serial which has the most relation and topmost subjection degree which can be used to evaluate the water environment quality in a reservoir .

  22. 第四节将闭区间上连续函数的性质加以推广,给出闭区间上离散函数的最值定理,有界性定理及新的介值定理。

    In section 5.4 , generalizing the properties of continuous functions on closed intervals , the maximin theorem , boundedness theorem and a new intermediate value theorem of discrete functions on closed intervals are proposed .

  23. 本文的目的则是研究将余震频度衰减公式作为离散函数考虑与作为连续函数考虑时,当时间趋于无穷时,二者的误差限。

    The very purpose of this paper is to study the error limit between considerations of " aftershock " frequency decay formula as both a discrete function and a continuous function when the lime is extending indefinitely .

  24. 对于定义和取值于实数轴的一般实函数,其中一类重要的函数就是连续函数,而在粗糙函数模型中,粗糙连续性也是其中离散函数的一个首要性质。

    For general real functions defined and valued on real line axis , a category of important functions among them are continuous functions . While in rough function model , the rough continuity is also an essential important property of discrete functions .

  25. 同时,在第三章又构造了一种适合在计算机上实施的逼近序列来求解奇异线性问题,它的结构简单,对于逼近节点数目很大的离散函数颇为有效。

    In the mean time , an approximate sequence that is implemented easily on computers is constructed to solve singular linear problems in Chapter 3 . Its construction is simple and it can approximate effectively the function with large number of nodes .

  26. d维问题离散Green函数的几个估计

    Several Estimates for The Discrete Green 's Function for D-dimensional Problems

  27. 通过z变换,得到数字网络的离散传递函数。

    By z - transformation , the discrete transfer function of the digital network is obtained .

  28. 基于离散指数函数优化GM(1,1)模型的再优化

    Optimize an Optimal GM ( 1,1 ) Based on the Discrete Function with Exponential Law Once Again

  29. 在单元上构造了新的局部化的离散Green函数,证明了间断有限元解的丰满阶最大模估计。

    First , through constructing a new local discrete Green function , we prove the highest order maximum norm estimation of the solution of discontinuous finite element methods ;

  30. 离散Walsh函数新的实现方法和仿真

    A New Method of Generating Discrete Walsh Function and Simulation