
  1. 离婚之后我力图使生活恢复正常。

    I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce .

  2. 他两次离婚之后又结婚,显然没有吸取以往的教训

    He 's getting married again , after two divorces , so he obviously hasn 't profited by his experiences .

  3. 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,2012年,美国北达科他州的NadineSchweigert在经历痛苦的离婚之后,自己独自举办了婚礼。

    In 2012 , Huffington Post reported that Nadine Schweigert from North Dakota had marriedherself following a painful divorce .

  4. 《生活时尚》7月发表了一篇文章,题为哭泣的苏瑞:被爸爸抛弃的孩子,文中有消息声称,克鲁斯在和凯蒂霍尔姆斯(KatieHolmes)离婚之后并没有参与到女儿的生活中。

    Life & Style ran an article in July with the headline ' Suri in Tears : Abandoned by Her Dad ' , in which a sourced claimed Cruise was not involved in his daughter 's life following his divorce from Katie Holmes .

  5. 她离婚之后又和高中时的恋人再婚了。

    After her divorce , she remarried her high school sweetheart .

  6. 离婚之后她得到了珠宝的所有权

    Well , in the divorce she got custody the jewelry .

  7. 你们离婚之后发生了什么吗

    So , did something happen after your divorce ?

  8. 当国君离婚之后他辞职了。

    The king abdicated when he married a divorcee .

  9. 离婚之后,他回到丹佛重新开始。

    After his divorce , he moved to Denver and started all over .

  10. 父母离婚之后,我寻找借口想要离开那里。

    I looked for any excuse to leave .

  11. 圣经里建议那些离婚之后又再婚的人,应该被处以死刑。

    The Bible suggests that those who divorce and remarry should be put to death .

  12. 自从他们剑拔弩张的离婚之后,她已经不许前夫见孩子。

    Since their acrimonious divorce , she has not allowed her former husband to see the children .

  13. 就算在离婚之后,肯尼斯也会在周末带它玩

    I mean , even after the divorce , Kenneth used to keep her on the weekends ,

  14. 我不晓得摩妮卡有没有告诉你这是我离婚之后的第一次约会。

    I don 't know if Monica told you , but this my first date since my divorce .

  15. 自从20多年前离婚之后,她和儿子相依为命。

    Since her divorce more than 20 years ago , she and her son have been reliant on each other .

  16. 尽管父母在离婚之后仍然对子女有抚养和教育的义务,但是婚姻的破裂对子女的负面影响却是深远的。

    Although parents after divorce still have the obligation of child support and education , the breakup of marriage has profound influence which is negative to child .

  17. 自打一开始就有传戴安娜与女王的女儿安妮公主不和,这也一直持续到1996年她与王子离婚之后。

    From the beginning , Diana reportedly had a frosty relationship with the Queen Mother 's daughter Queen Elizabeth II , which continued after her divorce from Charles in1996 .

  18. 妈妈一定感觉到了我的渴望,于是她时常带我和弟弟去看奶奶,即使是在离婚之后。

    Mother must have sensed my longing , for she would take my little brother and me back to visit my Granny on occasions , even after the divorce .

  19. 英国著名女星谢丽尔今年29岁,在与英格兰足球运动员阿什利·科尔离婚之后,她花了很多年去再次寻找真爱,虽然最近她也开始约会了,但去年她曾说过:我会永远爱阿什利。

    Cheryl , 29 , spent years trying to find love again following her divorce from England footballer Ashley Cole , though has recently started dating . She said last year : ' I will always love Ashley . '

  20. 一位知情人士向媒体透露,杜勒不过只是凯特在离婚之后抚慰“情伤”的垫背,虽然两人在一起都非常开心,不过他们开始意识让了感情发展的前途渺茫,凯特需要自己的空间。

    A friend of the star told MailOnline : " Louis was just the tonic Kate needed after her painful split from Sam and they had a wonderful time . However , they have realized their relationship isn 't working and Kate needs space to be on her own .

  21. 基德曼与克鲁斯于2001年离婚。之后,克鲁斯与凯蒂赫尔姆斯结婚,而基德曼则嫁给了乡村歌手凯斯厄本。

    Kidman and cruise divorced in2001.he has since married Katie Holmes and she country singer Keith urban .

  22. 在购房限制下夫妻有时也会为再购买一套公寓而离婚,之后他们复婚,林说。

    Couples also sometimes divorce to purchase one more apartment under housing purchase restrictions and they remarry later , Lin said .

  23. 中国陕西省安康市的一名女子与她的瘫痪丈夫离婚,之后又与丈夫最好的朋友再婚,这样他们俩可以一起照顾她的前夫。

    A woman in Ankang China has divorced her paralysed husband and remarried his best friend so that they can take care of her ex-husband together .

  24. 但是如今,就在他们离婚三年之后,Susan又要同Karl复婚了…

    But now , three years after their divorce , Susan was reunited with Karl once again ...

  25. 在我们离婚前还是之后?

    Before or after we separated ?

  26. 他没有透露自8月5号建立婚姻离婚保险网站之后一共接到的保单数。

    He won 't reveal how many policies he 's sold since the August 5 launch of WedLockDivorceInsurance.com .

  27. 中国网友们似乎都十分支持王宝强。在其离婚消息发布之后,类似#王宝强不哭、#王宝强我们支持你等标签在网上迅速流传开来。

    Chinese netizens seem to have rallied around Wang , with topics like \# WangDontCry \# WangWeSupportYou , quickly trending after news of the divorce spread .

  28. 她与野口勇的婚姻存续了五年,最后以离婚告终,之后她嫁给了一名日本外交官并离开了人们的视野,直到1969年她以脱口秀节目主持人的身份复出。

    After her five-year marriage to Mr. Noguchi ended in divorce , she married a Japanese diplomat and stayed out of the spotlight until she resurfaced as a talk show host in 1969 .

  29. 也就是说,在(他们宣布离婚)那之后的几个星期里,你觉得你的作用就是当个听众,呃,你有没有做些实际的事情来帮助她呢?

    William : Is that how you saw your role then , in the weeks that followed that announcement , that you were sort of , there to listen , or did you offer more practical help in some way ?

  30. 然而不久之后她就离婚了。离婚之后,她8岁的女儿与她的父母生活在一起。

    She divorced shortly thereafter and her daughter , now8 , lives with her parents .