
  • 网络ion channel receptor;ion-channel receptor;ionotropic receptor;ion channel linked receptor;ion-channel-linked receptor
  1. 酪氨酸激酶型受体、G蛋白偶联受体和离子通道型受体是细胞表面三类主要受体。

    Receptor tyrosine kinases ( RTK ), G protein-coupled receptors ( GPCR ) and ion channel receptors are main cell surface receptors .

  2. P2受体可再分为两类,即配体门控离子通道型受体(P2X受体)和G蛋白偶联型受体(P2Y受体)。分子生物学研究结果显示:P2X受体包括七种亚型,即P2X1~7;

    The P2 receptors are divided into two categories : the ligand-gated ion channel receptors ( P2X ) and the G protein-coupled receptors ( P2Y ) .

  3. 离子通道型谷氨酸受体包括AMPA/KA和NMDA受体两大类。

    Two classes of ion-channel type glutamate receptors involve in NMDA receptors and AMPA / KA receptors .

  4. NMDA受体(N-methyl-D-aspartatereceptors,NMDA受体)是哺乳动物神经系统中重要的离子通道型谷氨酸受体。

    N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors ( NMDA receptors , NMDARs ), as the ion channel-type glutamate receptors , are vital for mammal neuron system .

  5. 在拟南芥中发现了有20个谷氨酸受体基因(AtGLRs)的家族,其编码的氨基酸序列和动物的离子通道型谷氨酸受体(iGluRs)有很高同源性,并可分为3个亚族。

    Currently , 20 Arabidopsis glutamate receptor genes ( AtGLRs ) were discovered and divided into three subfamilies , whose amino acid coding sequences had high similarity with animal inotropic glrtamate ( iGLRs ) receptors .