
lí xīn fēn lí
  • centrifugation
  1. 介绍几种回收和再利用废旧塑料的新技术,包括两种以溶剂法回收PVC的新工艺和两种以离心分离法回收复(混)合塑料的新工艺。

    It introduced several kinds of new technology for the reclamation and recycle of waste plastics , including two kinds of solvent-based methods for PVC , and two kinds of centrifugation methods for composite .

  2. 用自制的NaClO溶液毁解生物细胞,离心分离收集PHB,PHB的纯度随NaClO溶液中Cl含量的增加而增加。

    S After PHB containing biomass was mixed with sodium hypochlorite solution , PHB granulae were separated from the aqueous fraction containing cell debris by centrifugation . The purity of PHB was increased by increasing the content of Cl in the NaClO solution .

  3. GMP离心机和离心分离技术的进展

    Centrifuge Feasible for GMP and Development of Centrifugal Separation Technology

  4. PTA离心分离仿真培训系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Simulation Training System for the Centrifuge and Separation in PTA

  5. 采用传统分提工艺,3℃下冷冻48h后离心分离。

    Traditional fractionation was centrifugalize after frozen for 48h under 3 ℃ .

  6. 其发酵产物经离心分离后,上清液用无水乙醇分步沉淀抽提得到葡聚糖样品,然后用气相色谱(GC)、红外光谱(IR)、纸层析和化学方法等对葡聚糖样品进行鉴定。

    The dextran sample which was extracted by ethanol precipitation and purified was assayed by gas chromatography ( GC ), infrared atlas , etc.

  7. 方法采用n,n-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMA)作内标物,采用固相萃取/离心分离/吸附/GC方法。

    Methods Solid phase extraction / gas chromatography ( SPE / GC ) was established with N , N-dimethyl acrylamide as internal standard .

  8. Percoll密度梯度离心分离不同发育阶段生精细胞的方法

    Separation of Mouse Spermatogenic Cells by Centrifugation in Percoll Density Gradients

  9. 本文用甲苯/丁酮混合溶剂对四种国产高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)进行了溶解&离心分离;

    Four HIPS materials made in China were dissolved & centrifugalized with toluene / methyl ethyl ketone mixed solvent ;

  10. 脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)的Percoll等密度梯度离心分离

    Poliovirus Separation by Centrifugation in Percoll Isopycnic Gradients

  11. 方法:抽取SD大鼠的骨髓,经密度梯度离心分离,联合贴壁筛选法获取纯化的骨髓间充质干细胞,以流式细胞仪鉴定间充质干细胞表面标志。

    MSCs were isolated by gradient density centrifugation and plastic adherence and then purified , The surface markers were identified with flow cytometry after amplification in vitro .

  12. 脂蛋白及载脂蛋白对脂蛋白受体作用的研究&Ⅰ.一步超速离心分离血清VLD.LDL及部分HDL和LDS

    Studies on Effect of LiPoProteins and APoProteins on LiPoProtein Receptors ⅰ . Isolation of LiPoproteins and LDS by One Step Ultracentrifugation

  13. 破碎离心分离取汁,出汁率占原料2/4~3/4,Vc损失40~70%左右;

    With the method of centrifugation and isolation , the juice percentage was 2 / 4-3 / 4 of raw material and as high as 40 ~ 70 % of Vc was lost ;

  14. 通过两组对比沉降实验发现,附加稀土NdFeB形成永磁场后,磁性颗粒的重力分离可以显著缩短自由沉降和压缩沉降时间,而离心分离则主要缩短压缩沉降时间。

    Two groups of comparative experiments were carried out . It was found out that presence of Nd-Fe-B magnet gave much shorter free settling and pressing time in gravitational separation and shorter pressing time in centrifugal separation .

  15. 该方法利用差速离心分离植物细胞核,经低熔点琼脂糖块或低熔点琼脂糖微珠包埋,蛋白酶K原位裂解后制备大分子量核DNA。

    Generally it includes isolation of purified nuclei by differential centrifugation , embedment of the nuclei in either low-melting-point agarose plugs or microbeads , and digestion with proteinase K in situ to release high molecular weight ( HMW ) DNA .

  16. 进行问卷调查同时对调查对象空腹取静脉血3ml,经离心分离出血清,专人负责检测。

    Meanwhile , the survey questionnaire fasting venous blood , serum separated by centrifugation , specifically responsible for testing .

  17. 结果经简化Percoll密度梯度离心分离纯化的滋养层细胞纯度高,明显优于淋巴细胞分离液的分离效果(P<0.001);

    Results More trophoblastic cells with higher purity were obtained by simplified Percoll gradient centrifugation than by lymphocytes separating solution ( P < 0.001 ) .

  18. 方法低温差速离心分离肝癌亚细胞组份,应用NAA法检测各亚细胞组份的微量元素含量,然后与正常人肝及癌旁组织的相应亚细胞组份相比较。

    Methods The distribution pattern of 17 elements in subcellular fractions of human hepatocellular carcinoma was studied by differential centrifugation combined with NAA , then compared to the human liver with t-test .

  19. 以中央核处理器(CPU)这一典型的金含量高的电子废弃物为实验对象,采用油浴离心分离法、熔锡法及真空热解法对CPU进行预处理以实现针脚的分离。

    Central processing unit ( CPU ), a significant electronic component with a high gold content , was taken in experiment . CPU was pre-processed by centrifugal separation , solder smelting and vacuum pyrolysis to separate the pins from the base plates .

  20. 影响PTA产品中PT酸含量的因素有:Pd/C催化剂的活性,TA中4CBA和PT酸的含量,结晶条件,进料浓度和离心分离效果。

    The factors which have effect on PT acid content in PTA product are the activity of Pd / C catalyst , 4-CBA and PT acid content in TA , crystal condition , in-feeding concentration and centrifugal separation effect .

  21. 首先通过多次密度梯度离心分离得到纯化的细胞核,通过电镜照片和western-blot等方法验证,证实了细胞核纯度达到90%以上,保证了后续工作的意义。

    Firstly , purified nuclei were separated by several density gradient centrifugations . Verified by electron microscope and western blot , the purity of nuclei were up to 90 .

  22. 利用离心分离细胞核,经低融点琼脂糖块包埋、蛋白酶K原位裂解,结合低融点琼脂糖脉冲电泳去除淀粉制备高分子量核DNA。

    It included isolation of purified nuclei by centrifugation , embedment of the nuclei in low-melting point agarose plugs , digestion in proteinase K in situ to release high molecular weight DNA , and isolation of purified HMW DNA from abundant starch using low melting agarose pulsed-field gel electrophoresis .

  23. 但本法省去了常规超速离心分离人血清极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)的过程,只需微量血清,便于临床应用。

    This method however , omits the step of ultracentrifugation to isolate VLDL and needs only a few microliters of serum ; it is convenient for use in clinical diagnosis .

  24. 发酵液经预处理后离心分离收集菌体,加入适量甲醇,调节pH至10.5,离心除去不溶杂质,再调节pH至中性,经蒸发浓缩结晶获得纳他霉素。

    The process comprises pretreating the fermentation broth , collecting biomass by centrifugation , adding an amount of methanol , dissolving the natamycin in the broth sufficiently , adjusting pH 10.5 , removing the insoluble solids , lowering pH to neutral and vacuum-condensing the broth to precipitate the natamycin crystal .

  25. 不同条件下Percoll密度梯度离心分离组织细胞浮游生物的比较三类纳米尺度与常规尺度材料细胞毒性与毒作用特征的比较研究

    A comparative research on planktons separated from liver by different density gradient centrifugation with Percoll in rabbits ; Comparative Study on Cytotoxic Characteristics Caused by Three Kinds Nano-scale Materials and Non-nano Materials

  26. 本法与常规法比较。不需要超速离心分离人血清VLDL的过程,而且仅需微量血清,便于临床应用。

    Compared with conventional method , the present method can be readily used for clinical detection as it only requires microliters of serum and does not need ultracentrifugation for isolation of VLDL .

  27. 方法采用超声破菌、离心分离包涵体、仲丁醇萃取、Sephacryl100、HIC层析等分离纯化步骤。0.6士0.2。

    Methods A procedure , consisting of breakage of bacteria by ultrasonication , separation of inclusion body by centrifugation , extraction with 2 butanol solution and purification by Sephacryl 100 and HIC chromatography , was developed .

  28. 人与兔的粪便样品稀释后经离心分离岀细菌,通过DEAE弱阴离子交换色谱(30cm×2cmi.d)进一步除去杂物,将所得细菌的完整细胞样品直接上样高效液相阴离子交换色谱进行分离。

    The bacteria were separated from diluted human and rabbit feces by centrifugation , the contaminants were further removed by DEAE weak-anion exchange chromatography ( 30 cm × 2 cm i.d ) .

  29. 应用磷脂酶A1在柠檬酸和NaOH形成的缓冲体系中,经过4~6h反应后经一次离心分离即可达到良好的脱胶效果,完全满足物理精炼的要求。

    With 4 ~ 6 h reaction in the buffer system of citric acid and NaOH , the phospholipase A_1 can produce perfect degummed oil after just one separation process . The degummed oil can completely satisfy the requirements of physical refining .

  30. 为了获得高丰度的28Si同位素,生产高纯度的单晶硅,利用气体离心机对硅同位素进行离心分离。

    Silicon isotopes were separated in a gas centrifuge to produce highly enriched ~ ( 28 ) Si ) isotope .