
  • 网络ion diffusion
  1. LixNiO中锂离子扩散行为研究

    Study on the Lithium Ion Diffusion Activity in Li_xNiO

  2. 同时,提出SO2“势”的概念,解释了硫化产物层中定向离子扩散流形成的原因。

    Meanwhile , a concept of " potential " of SO_2 is introduced to explain the cause of the formation of directional ion diffusion flow in the sulfidation product layer .

  3. 基于MonteCarlo方法的氯离子扩散过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Chloride Diffusion Process Based on Monte Carlo Method

  4. Na和B元素在90℃条件下浸出属于离子扩散控制过程。

    The leaching behaviors of Na and B element were controlled by ion-diffusion reactions under 90 ℃ .

  5. XPS技术分析离子扩散对TiO2薄膜光催化活性的影响

    The Effects of Diffusion of Ions on Photocatalytic Activity of TiO_2 Films via XPS Analytical Method

  6. LiMn2O4中锂离子扩散系数与充/放电次数的关系

    Dependence of Li + Diffusion Coefficients in LiMn_2O_4 on Charge / Discharge Cycles

  7. 铋和钾掺杂对La2Mo2O9中氧离子扩散及直流电导的影响

    Influence of Bi and K Doping on Ionic Conduction and Oxygen-Ion Diffusion in La_2Mo_2O_9

  8. 此外,基于现有混凝土氯离子扩散模型对CRC结构在氯离子环境下的使用寿命进行了理论评估。

    Furthermore , the service life of CRC structures in chloride environment was evaluated theoretically by adopting the chloride diffusion model in concrete .

  9. 粉煤灰效应引起的Ca(OH)2含量下降和孔结构的封闭堵塞是氯离子扩散性下降的主要原因。

    The falling of the diffusivity of chloride ions is mainly caused by the effect of fly ash that makes Ca ( OH ) _2 content reduce and pore structure block in fly ash blended concrete .

  10. 用MgF2作为镁离子扩散源实现铌酸锂单晶光纤包层

    Achieving of lithium niobate single crystal fiber cladding by mgf_2 as a diffusion source for Mg-ion indiffusion

  11. 这类材料与NASICON(Na+superionconductor)材料相似,具有三维的锂离子扩散通道,同时也兼顾了材料晶体结构的稳定性,是一种颇有发展前景的材料。

    The structure of this type of materials is similar to the NASICON ( Na + super ion conductor ), which owns three-dimensional framework for ion-diffusion and structural stability , with wide developing prospect .

  12. 通过对微观过程数据的分析,探讨了在土壤电场作用下的DDL层的形成机制,以及电场作用对离子扩散与吸附/解吸的影响。

    The formation mechanism of the DDL layer under soil electric field and the influence on ion diffusion and adsorption / desorption are discussed through the obtained data .

  13. 加入的ZrO2与CaO反应生成了CaZrO3,存在于主晶相的晶界中,为离子扩散提供了迁移的途径,从而促进了烧结。

    ZrO_2 reacts with CaO and forms CaZrO_3 , and CaZrO_3 exists in the main grain boundary . CaZrO_3 provides a new migratory approach in diffusion , which promotes sintering .

  14. 按照Fick定律,利用电化学方法可测得交流阻抗谱,据此计算出氯离子扩散系数。

    According to Fick 's Law , the impedance spectra can be measured with electrochemical method , from which the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion can be calculated .

  15. 目前在应用Fick定律进行氯离子扩散分析时,一般不考虑混凝土对氯离子的固化作用以及扩散系数在服役期间的变化。

    In practice , application of Fick 's law to chloride diffusion in concrete is usually done without considering the chloride binding capacity of mortars and diffusivity as a variable .

  16. 根据Fick定律,采用有限差分方法对扩散方程和边界条件进行处理,建立了普遍合理的缺锂VTE模型和Er离子扩散模型。

    Based on Fick law , diffusion equation and boundary conditions were treated by finite difference method , and two general models about Li-poor VTE procedure and Er ions diffusion procedure were set up .

  17. PVA-SA-PLA复合水凝胶的制备及铵离子扩散性能

    Preparation of PVA-SA-PLA Composite Hydrogels and the Diffusibility Performance for NH + 4

  18. 采用RCM法测定混凝土试件的氯离子扩散系数,研究表面砂浆层对混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能的影响。

    The effects of surface mortar layer on the resistance of concrete to chloride ion transport are studied in this paper , through obtaining the chloride ion diffusion coefficient of concrete specimens , by using RCM method .

  19. 结果表明:在ASR同时作用时,混凝土的氯离子扩散速度减慢,混凝土对氯离子的结合表现为线性吸附关系,氯离子结合能力也明显降低;

    The results show that the diffusion rate of chloride ion is alleviated in the existence of ASR . The binding capacity of chloride in the concrete with ASR is much lower than that in the concrete without ASR .

  20. 结果表明,对于氯离子扩散系数大于5.0×10-8cm2/s的混凝土,即强度等级通常在C60以下的混凝土,电除盐技术是经济可行的。

    It is found that the ECE treatment is economical and feasible for the concrete of which the chloride diffusivity coefficient is above 5.0 × 10-8cm2 / s , that is the concrete of which the strength level is generally less than C60 .

  21. 同时,根据电化学阻抗谱结果计算出了各样品的锂离子扩散系数,10-LMO样品的锂离子扩散系数最高。

    Meanwhile , 10-LMO sample had the highest diffusion coefficient of Li + , which was calculated by means of the EIS method .

  22. 通过测试胶凝材料水化热、混凝土的坍落度和氯离子扩散系数、抗裂等级等性能,对C40海工混凝土的配合比进行了优化设计。

    The mixture ratio of C40 marine high performance concrete is optimized through test of the hydration heat of binding material , slump , chloride ion diffusion coefficient , anti-crack rand of concrete .

  23. 实验表明,原位测量结果与由自然浸泡法所得自由氯离子扩散系数以及NEL法所测结果接近。

    It obeys the parabolic law . The chloride diffusivity in concrete is directly calculated from the apparent migrating function and the experiment shows that it is similar to the free chloride diffusivity obtained by ponding and NEL methods .

  24. 厚膜中PLT-82晶相的晶格受Pb2+离子扩散进入玻璃相而略有缩小。

    The slight reduction of the lattice of the PLT-82 crystal phase in the thick film occurs due to Pb2 + ion vacancy generated by the diffusion .

  25. 随着温度的升高,生物炭表面极性官能团含量降低,比表面积和孔容增大,因此P-500和P-700对金属的固定主要由金属离子扩散控制。

    With temperature increase , the content of surface polarity functional groups dropped , specific surface area and pore volume increased , so the sorption of heavy metal from P-500 and P-700 mainly relied on metal ion diffusion .

  26. 提出了沉积-自由移去的结垢机制,并用湍流猝发理论结合Hasson的离子扩散模型,导出了碳酸钙结垢速率的数学模型,模型预测速率同实验数据吻合较好。

    A deposition-free removal mechanism of scaling was proposed and a mathematical model based on turbulent burst theory was derived with the combination of Hasson 's ionic diffusion model and the rate of scaling predicted with the model agreed well with the experimental data .

  27. 冻融损伤对混凝土氯离子扩散性能的影响

    Damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles influencing on chloride diffusion of concrete

  28. 界面过渡区对水泥基材料氯离子扩散性能的影响研究

    Influence of interfacial transition zone to chloride diffusibility of cemented materials

  29. 混凝土在海洋环境和除冰盐条件下的氯离子扩散行为

    Chloride Diffusion of Concretes Exposed to Marine Environment and Deicing Salt

  30. 混凝土中氯离子扩散引起钢筋锈蚀过程的研究

    Study on Steel Bar Rust Caused by Chlorion Diffusion in Concrete