
  1. 而私人假期是指公司自定的带薪假期。你可以在一年中的任何时间安排休假。

    Private holidays are given by your company and can be taken anytime during the year usually with pay .

  2. 哈里王子目前在英国军队担任阿帕奇直升机飞行员。当时他已完成最后的飞行训练,等待将来的派遣,正与朋友在拉斯维加斯共享私人假期。

    The prince , a British army Apache helicopter pilot , has been on a private holiday with friends in Las Vegas after completing his final pilot 's training ahead of a future deployment .

  3. 他了解的安逸,不仅是放松,享受私人时光,享受假期。

    He doesn 't understand by leisure simply relaxation enjoying your private moments enjoying your vacation time .