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  • private right
  1. 首先,TRIPS语境下的“私权”并非是个人化的权利,传统知识的群体持有并不构成在TRIPS框架下保护传统知识的理论障碍;

    Firstly ," private right " in the TRIPS context does not refer to the right of individuals and collective holding of TK clears the theoretical hurdle of its protection .

  2. TRIPS协议在明确知识产权作为一种私权应予以保护的同时提高了保护标准,将专利的保护范围扩大到了产品保护,最低保护期限也延长至20年。

    TRIPS agreement clear that intellectual property as a private right should be protected , while raising the standards of patent protection will be extended to product protection , the minimum term of protection is also extended to 20 years .

  3. 为了保护这个权力,得到GPL许可的代码不能用于私权(proprietary)的程式。

    To protect this right , code licensed by the GPL may never be used within proprietary programs .

  4. TRIPS协议开宗明义便提出知识产权是私权,这种私权性质的定位,使得知识产权在民事权利体系中找到依托并得以进一步发展。

    The TRIPS agreement comes straight to the point that " the intellectual property rights are the private power ", this localization of private power nature , causes the intellectual property rights to find in the civil right system to depend on and can further its development .

  5. 法谚云:执行乃法律之终局及果实(excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis)。以国家强制性公权力为后盾的民事强制执行是私权救济的最后保证。

    A legal proverb says , " Execution is the end and fruit of law ( excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis ) . " Civil compulsory execution which takes the state compulsory public powers as backing is the final guarantee for the relief of private right .

  6. 这便构成了侦查中隐私权保障的重要内容。

    This is a major part of privacy protection in investigation .

  7. 推进科学仪器设备协作共享的公权、私权探讨

    Public Rights and Private Rights in Collaborative Share of Science Instrument

  8. 西部开发与私权立法研究

    On the Western Development and the Legislation of the Civil Rights

  9. 论医疗行为中隐私权的保护

    The Protection of the Right of Privacy in the Medical Behavior

  10. 私权利之视角下的高考移民现象

    On the mobile college entrance examinees in perspective of the private rights

  11. 公司内外是两重私权与公权结构,公司内部也存在微观的私权与公权结构。

    The microcosmic framework of right and power is inside the corporation .

  12. 寻租理论下的私权与公权

    Private Right and Public Right under the Theory of Rent - Seeking

  13. 析隐私权保护在网络空间中的反映

    An Analysis of Reflections in the Cyberspace about Privacy Protection

  14. 环境权是公权和私权的统一。

    Environmental right is the oneness of public right and private right .

  15. 公权与私权,是法制社会权利之两翼。

    Public right aad private right are two sides of legal society .

  16. 警察:请尊重公民的私权

    Policeman : Show Your Respect to Citizens ' Private Right

  17. 国际互联网中隐私权的法律保护

    Legal Protection of the Right of Privacy on the Internet

  18. 中国行政公权力对私权利侵害的现状分析

    Chinese Administration Civil Rights Strength to Private Right Violation Present Situation Analysis

  19. 对私权利来讲,法无禁止即自由,“非公36条”是否意味着更大的自由和机会?

    In terms of private rights , freedom means no prohibition by law .

  20. 论著作权私权公权化趋势下图书馆的责任

    On the Responsibilities of Library under the Tendency of Public Right of Copyright

  21. 认识到知识产权属私权;

    Recognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights ;

  22. 论城市房屋拆迁的法律性质及私权保护

    Research on Lawful Nature of Urban Housing Removal and Protection of Individual Rights

  23. 地理标志是一项知识产权性质的私权。

    The nature of geographical indication is a private right of intellectual property .

  24. 新闻报道中隐私权的限制

    On the Confinement of Privacy Right in News Report

  25. 任何国家都存在公权和私权的冲突。

    The conflict between public power and private right exists in any countries .

  26. 人工生育中隐私权与知情权研究

    Study on the Right to Privacy and Right to Know in Artificial Reproduction

  27. 就其性质来讲,它是一种私权。

    In terms of its very nature , it is a private right .

  28. 人格权并非仅仅是宪法权利,它同样也是一种私权;

    Personal right is not only constitutional right , but also private right .

  29. 因此,在宏观调控中,必须保护受损的私权,达到公权与私权保障的统一。

    As a result , the damaged private right must be protected in macro-control .

  30. 但我们不能因此而否认集体土地所有权是一项私权。

    But we can not deny that collective land ownership is a private right .