
sī jiǔ
  • moonshine;bootleg
  1. 带着一扁瓶私酒的16岁少年。

    A sixteen year old carrying a hip flask of bootleg liquor .

  2. 私酒被源源不断运送出郡

    Bootleg liquor headed across the county line .

  3. 他每分钟从私酒贸易中牟利超过100美元

    He earns over $ 100 a minute from illegal alcohol .

  4. 以私人协约形式售卖他做过买卖私酒的生意。

    Sale by private treaty He trafficked in illicit liquor .

  5. 有人把私酒带到聚会上了。

    Some people had brought bootleg liquor to the party .

  6. 除非你告诉我们你的私酒生意!

    Unless you tell us about your shine business !

  7. 私酒贩子的这番话使玛丝洛娃想起了酒。

    These words brought back to Maslova 's mind her craving for drink .

  8. 他后悔给举报私酒的人奖赏的承诺。

    Boss regretted offering that reward for uncovering shine .

  9. 汤姆突然质问我,“一个大私酒贩子?”

    Demanded Tom suddenly . " some big bootlegger ?"

  10. 你们那个卖私酒的叔叔在哪里?

    Where is that shine-selling uncle of yours ?

  11. 酿私酒和私卖酒的人。

    Someone who makes and sells illegal liquor .

  12. 除此之外,我会用土豆酿造点私酒。

    When I 'm not doing that , I brew a little potato moonshine .

  13. 直到今天仍有一个赛车动作被命名为私酒大转弯

    Even today , there 's a driving maneuver called " The bootleg turn . "

  14. 私生活中的人物面貌他做过买卖私酒的生意。

    He trafficked in illicit liquor .

  15. 弗吉尼亚州富兰克林郡是当时全美最大的私酒生产地之一

    Franklin County , Virginia , is one of the biggest moonshine producers in the country .

  16. 卖酒的,侯爵大人。酿私酒和私卖酒的人。

    ' Monsieur the Marquis , vendor of wine . ' someone who makes and sells illegal liquor .

  17. 我们接获情报,昨天自加拿大运来了大批私酒。

    We 've received word from this informant that a large shipment of Canadian Whiskey has arrived in chicago .

  18. “不论你做了哪种选择,我仍将爱你,”他贩私酒的父亲这样写道。

    " I 'll still love you whichever choice you make ," his father , the bootlegger , wrote .

  19. 这是为贩售私酒您喜爱的夏天音乐会的完善的工具。

    It 's the perfect tool for bootlegging your favorite summer concerts ( with permission from the sound guy ) .

  20. 但私酒贩运还有更为黑暗的一面非法私酒贸易额相当于今天的数百亿美元

    But there 's a darker side to bootlegging . The illegal liquor trade is worth tens of billions in today 's money ,