
  • 网络Private bank;private banking
  1. 最近,至少有一家全球性银行关闭了它们在中国开业刚几年的在岸私人银行服务。

    At least one global bank has recently closed its China onshore private bank after just a few years .

  2. 因此,私人银行服务、产品能否被目标客户群体所接受,依赖于是否己建立在成功营销和客户忠诚度的培养基础上。

    Therefore , whether the services and products of the private bank can be accepted by the target customer groups depends on whether it has been established on the base aiming to develop successful marketing and customer loyalty .

  3. 例如,拥有逾1万家分行的中国银行(boc)正在与苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)合作扩展私人银行服务。

    The Bank of China , for example , which has more than 10000 branches , has been working with Royal Bank of Scotland to expand private banking services .

  4. 两周前,总部位于伦敦、长期专注于亚洲市场的渣打银行(standardchartered)表示,计划到2010年前,在中国8个到10个城市推出私人银行服务。

    Two weeks ago , Standard Chartered , the London-based bank that has long focused on the Asian market , said it planned to introduce private banking services in eight to 10 more Chinese cities by 2010 .

  5. 多数全球规模最大的银行都在中国设立了业务,而去年,包括渣打银行(StandardChartered)、瑞银(UBS)和汇丰(HSBC)在内的许多银行,已开始为拥有100万美元以上的客户提供私人银行服务。

    Most of the world 's largest banks have set up operations in China and many , including Standard Chartered , UBS and HSBC , began offering private banking services available to clients with $ 1m or more to invest , last year .

  6. 今年4月,汇丰银行(HSBC)在中国内地推出私人银行服务,目标客户净资产需达到或超过1000万美元,其中300万美元可用于投资,能够存入最低100万美元的存款。

    In April , HSBC launched private banking services on the mainland , saying it would target customers with net assets of $ 10m or more with $ 3m available for investment , who could deposit a minimum of $ 1m .

  7. 该公司更名为whiteconcierge,是一家为银行和私人银行服务的全球性礼宾公司。

    The company , rebranded as whiteconcierge , is a global concierge business serving banks and private banks .

  8. 三角洲银行服务的对象是拉丁美洲的富有居民,主要为他们提供私人银行服务。

    Delta caters to wealthy residents of Latin America , mainly offering private banking services .

  9. 瑞士宝华银行提供私人银行服务、机构资?管理和独立投资组合经理的专业服务。

    Banque Piguet specialises in private banking , institutional asset management and services to independent portfolio managers .

  10. 这些客户可能正在出售他们的企业,或将其上市,他们将是私人银行服务的理想顾客。

    These may be selling or floating their businesses and will be ideal customers for private banking services .

  11. 亚洲私人银行服务的突然激增,主要是低利率环境所致。

    The sudden explosion of private banking services in Asia is in response to the low interest rate environment .

  12. 欧美国家的私人银行服务介绍主要以瑞士的瑞银集团和美国的花旗银行为例。

    The introduction of international private banking services will take UBS in Switzerland and Citibank in the U.S. as examples .

  13. 在工商银行的各项业务中,私人银行服务的起点最高,客户层次最高,对营销有着特别的要求。

    Among various businesses of ICBC , the private banking services possess a highest starting point and the highest level of customers .

  14. 苏格兰皇家银行利用与中国银行的合作,已经在中国成立了一个信用卡合资公司。两家银行还在携手合作,为中国内地富有的投资者提供高端私人银行服务。

    RBS has used its co-operation with Bank of China to launch a credit-card joint venture , and the two lenders are also working together to provide high-end private banking services to wealthy mainland investors .

  15. 摩根大通采取上述策略之际,这家总部位于美国的银行正大举扩充其印度业务,计划在未来一年推出在岸私人银行服务。印度是该银行在亚洲最重要的市场之一。

    The move comes as the US-based bank beefs up its presence in India , one of its most important markets in Asia , with plans to introduce onshore private banking services in the coming year .

  16. 私人银行服务起源于16世纪的瑞士日内瓦,是银行服务的一种,专门面向富有阶层,为银行认定的高净值客户群体提供个人财产综合规划与投资管理。

    Private banking services began in sixteenth Century in Geneva , which is a kind of banking services , specifically for the rich class , supplying personal property comprehensive planning and investment management for the high net worth clients identified by banks .

  17. 乔•蒙塔纳(JoeMontana)是美式橄榄球史上最伟大的四分卫之一。自1979年他加盟美国国家橄榄球联盟(NationalFootballLeague)以来,他一直使用同一家私人银行的服务。

    Joe Montana , one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of American football , has been with the same private bank since 1979 when he was drafted into the National Football League .

  18. 应聘条件:有5年以上从事私人银行专业服务与管理经验;

    Requirments : 5 years experience of providing service and management in private banking area ;

  19. 一代人之前,私人银行的服务对象主要是那些继承了大笔遗产的客户。

    A generation ago , private banking was largely dominated by clients who had inherited wealth .

  20. 私人银行通常服务于一个根系更庞大的家族,满足这些家族的投资、收入以及财富保值需求。许多此类大家族在很大程度上,已经不再参与为其创造财富的企业的运营。

    Private banks commonly serve the investment , income and wealth preservation needs of a more extended family , many of whom will be far from the businesses that generated their riches .

  21. 白贺德认为,规模较小、量身定制的私人银行在服务方面并不具备优势,因为大型银行能够提供广泛的产品。

    Mr Berchtold does not believe that a smaller , bespoke private bank would be at an advantage in terms of the service offered , as larger banks can source a huge range of products .

  22. 吸引客户并非易事:许多富裕的个人和家庭希望使用知名私人银行的服务,他们想要的是有着数十年历史的大型金融机构的保证。

    Wooing customers is not easy : many wealthy individuals and families want the cachet of a renowned private banking name and the assurance of a big financial institution that has been around for decades .

  23. 尽管企业银行业务仍为大多数国内商业银行的主要业务,提供零售及私人银行产品和服务亦发展迅速。

    Although corporate banking continues to be the main business for most PRC Commercial banks , retail banking products and services have also grown significantly .

  24. 正是基于这一原因,巴克莱(barclays)的财富管理部门推出了一项名为“私人投资银行”的服务。

    It is for this reason that the wealth management arm of Barclays , one of the more aggressive recent entrants to the private banking industry , now offers a service it calls " private investment banking " .

  25. 但私人银行并非提供这些服务的唯一机构。

    But private banks are not the only providers of these services .

  26. 私人银行业务是金融服务的重要组成部分,且被公认为金融行业最赚钱的业务之一。

    Private banking business is one of important parts of financial services .

  27. 私人银行提供的顾问服务不仅仅限于如何将税项降至最低。

    The private banks will advise not just on how to minimise tax .

  28. 巴克莱有着300年的历史渊源,拥有一家声名卓著的私人银行,多年来服务于英国本土市场。

    Barclays , whose origins date back 300 years , has had a well-established private bank serving its UK home market for many years .

  29. 如今,私人银行正在开辟新服务,以满足新一代用户的需求&他们需要的不仅是传统的银行及财富管理服务。

    Nowadays , private banks are ramping up their services to cater for a new generation of individuals seeking more than traditional banking and wealth management .

  30. 由于该行业的竞争变得愈发激烈,许多私人银行都增设了服务项目,包括独立财务建议、信托和税收规划,以及家族财富转让建议。

    As the sector has become more competitive , many private banks have added services including independent financial advice , trust and taxation planning and family wealth transfer advice .