
  • 网络Script;speechcraft
  1. 搭讪路线,语言模式,话术和诡计(gimmick)一般情况下不足以SC。

    Pick-up lines , language patterns , verbal tricks and gimmicks are NOT enough to get laid in general .

  2. 在设计话术的时候,要纳入第一线员工的点子。

    Incorporate the ideas of your front-line staff into developing this script .

  3. 投资人应该要保持理智,懂得分辨销售话术与市场趋势。

    Investors should remain rational and know the difference between sales patter and market trends .

  4. 准备一套适切的话术,让员工能够自在运用。武术套路运动员标准剑器的选择与使用

    Put together a script your people feel comfortable with . The Survey on the Usage of Standard Sword Equipment of the Outstanding Wushu Athletes in Zhejiang Province

  5. 因此,如果有更多主动脉旁淋巴结转移的患者参与此研究的话,D2+PAND根治术的术后生存率也不大可能会更高。

    It is unlikely , therefore , that D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND would have resulted in better survival rates if more patients with para-aortic node metastases had participated in the study .