
huà tí
  • subject of a talk;topic of conversation;town talk;topic of a conversation;topic;subject;talking point;conversation piece;talk
话题 [huà tí]
  • (1) [towntalk]∶公众闲谈的问题

  • 至少有三天时间成为人们闲谈的话题

  • (2) [subject of a talk;topic of a conversation]∶谈话的中心

  • 话题转了

话题[huà tí]
  1. 世纪之交的重大话题&我国耕地、粮食与城市土地利用状况

    The Significant Subject of a Talk during the Century Supersession ── The state of Chinese cultivated land , grain and land - use

  2. 近年来,民事再审程序研究曾一度成为理论界与实务界谈论的热门话题。

    Relating to civil retrial procedure research became theory circle and arousing popular interest subject of a talk that judicial practical departments is discussed once in recent years .

  3. 他设法把话题从他离婚一事上引开。

    He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce .

  4. 根据达成的默契,这个话题从未再提起过。

    By tacit agreement , the subject was never mentioned again .

  5. 像这样的话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。

    Issues like this are the newspaper 's meat and potatoes .

  6. 气候变化很大程度上仍是一个争论的话题。

    Climate change is still very much a subject for debate .

  7. 所有这些关于失业的话题使他心神不宁。

    All this talk of job losses was making him jittery .

  8. 交谈的主要话题是汤姆的新女友。

    The main topic of conversation was Tom 's new girlfriend .

  9. 这个意见与我们所谈论的话题毫不相干。

    This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation .

  10. 提到这个话题,他显然局促不安起来。

    He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned .

  11. 交谈进入到爱妒交织的复杂话题。

    The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships .

  12. 我们别再谈论节食这个话题行吗?

    Please can we get off the subject of dieting ?

  13. 他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。

    His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly .

  14. 你只要一提起这个话题,他就会暴跳如雷。

    He flies into a rage if you even mention the subject .

  15. 我们很想听听你对这个话题的看法。

    We would be interested to hear your views on this subject .

  16. 伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。

    Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women 's rights .

  17. 这个话题在我们家里仍然讳莫如深。

    The subject is still a taboo in our family .

  18. 我认为我们最好不要再谈这个话题。

    I think we 'd better drop the subject .

  19. 他为自己的演讲选择了一个不会引起争议的话题。

    He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech .

  20. 他的讲座涉及许多话题。

    His lecture ranged over a number of topics .

  21. 环境已成为很热门的话题。

    The environment has become a very hot issue .

  22. 他忘了自己的话题,便开始瞎扯起来。

    He had lost track of what he was saying and began to ramble .

  23. 她说这是女生话题,男人是听不懂的。

    She said it was just girl talk that a man wouldn 't understand .

  24. 我们得在第二天的课上讨论同样的话题。

    We had to go over the same ground in class the next day .

  25. 这个话题绝对禁止谈论。

    This subject is definitely a no-go area .

  26. 规定禁止谈论这个话题。

    The subject was ruled off-limits .

  27. 我设法找些话题。

    I tried to make conversation .

  28. 她匆匆换了个话题。

    She hastily changed the subject .

  29. 话题转到了园艺上。

    The conversation turned to gardening .

  30. 我听不明白他的讲话,他老是转换话题。

    I couldn 't follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another .