
pò jiàng
  • ditch;forced landing;crash land;distress landing;crowd in;force the enemy to give up
迫降 [pò jiàng]
  • (1) [forced-landing]∶强迫擅自越境或违反飞行纪律的飞机在指定的地点降落

  • (2) [crowd in]∶以一种压制的或强求的方式出现

  • 夜幕迫降

  • [force the enemy to give up] 逼迫敌人投降

迫降[pò jiàng]
  1. 他迫降在了公路上。

    He made a forced landing on a highway .

  2. 由于发动机出了毛病,飞机不得不进行迫降。

    Owing to engine trouble , the plane had to make a forced landing .

  3. 一位美国飞行员被迫将喷气式飞机紧急迫降在波斯湾上。

    One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf

  4. 我只好将飞机迫降在海上。

    I had to make a controlled landing into the sea

  5. 在直升机紧急迫降时,一名幸存者被撞昏过去。

    A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched .

  6. 由于一个引擎突然熄火,飞机只好迫降。

    forced The plane had to make a forced landing because one of the engines failed .

  7. 黛西·雷德利饰演一名不幸迫降到这个人间地狱的宇航员,她必须逃离麦斯·米科尔森饰演的邪恶市长的魔爪。

    Daisy Ridley plays an astronaut who is unfortunate enough to crash-land on this dystopia and has to escape the clutches of a villainous mayor played by Mads Mikkelsen .

  8. 此外,Parent警员还介绍称,在过去的10年中,还发生过另外三起飞机迫降在这条高速路上的事故。

    Mr Parent said he was aware of three other planes being forced to come down on the same stretch of highway in the past decade .

  9. 在1951年3月23日的傍晚,正前往英国的一架美国空军道格拉斯C-124环球霸王II在海上迫降。

    On the late afternoon of March 23 , 1951 , a US Air Force Douglas C-124 Globemaster II on its way to England ditched into the ocean .

  10. 有人向军方报纸《星条旗报》(StarsandStripes)爆料称,威廉姆斯的说法并不准确,于是该报联系了威廉姆斯。他承认自己当时不在迫降的直升机上。

    The military publication Stars and Stripes was tipped off that Williams ' account was inaccurate and contacted Williams , who admitted that he was not on the helicopter that was forced down .

  11. 所以SULLENBERGER机长很快做了一个决定将飞机迫降在哈德森河附近的结冰的水面上。

    So Captain Sullenberger made a quick decision to land the plane on the freezing water of the nearby Hudson River .

  12. 据相关部门称,埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架由该国首都亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的客机周一被副驾驶员劫持并在日内瓦迫降。劫机者的目的是前往瑞士寻求庇护。

    An Ethiopian Airlines jet en route from Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , to Rome was forced to land in Geneva on Monday after the co-pilot apparently took control of the aircraft in an attempt to seek asylum in Switzerland , authorities said .

  13. DY-1型直升机营救吊椅,是与直升机配套,用于悬停营救被迫跳伞和迫降的飞行人员以及其他遇险人员的航空救生装备。

    DY-1 suspending rescue seat on helicopter is a helicopter-equipped apparatus which is used to rescue flight personnel forced to parachute or landing , or other individual disasters .

  14. 威廉姆斯在他的新闻节目中表示,那名军士长曾在伊拉克的一次危险情况中保护了他。我们乘坐的直升机被一枚RPG击中,随后迫降,这里的RPG指的是火箭推进榴弹。

    Williams suggested on his newscast that the sergeant had protected him from a dangerous situation in Iraq , when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG , referring to a rocket-propelled grenade .

  15. 戴利在上海参加完世界跳水锦标赛后搭该航班回国,他在Instagram上说道,“从上海回来的路上,不得不在俄罗斯伊尔库茨机场迫降。这幅是在迫降前飞机排放燃油的照片。”

    Daley , who was returning after competing in the world diving championships in Shanghai , wrote on Instagram : ' Just had to make an emergency landing in Irkutsk , Russia on the way back from Shanghai . Here 's the pic of the fuel dump before landing . '

  16. 我们为出色完成工作感到自豪,并赞扬萨利萨伦伯格(sullysullenberger)这样的人在哈德逊河将飞机迫降成功后,萨伦伯格两次查看机舱是否有乘客仍未撤出,然后才最后一个撤离。

    We take pride in jobs well done , and we celebrate people such as sully Sullenberger who , after ditching his plane in the Hudson River , checked the cabin twice for remaining passengers before being the last to evacuate .

  17. 该机为维珍航空公司的空客A340,机上包括戴利与他的男友达斯汀·兰斯·布雷克在内共有301名乘客,从上海飞往伦敦的途中在俄罗斯伊尔库茨克机场迫降。

    He and his partner Dustin Lance Black were among 301 people aboard a Virgin Atlantic Airbus A340 which had to put down in the Russian city of Irkutsk , on a flight from Shanghai to London .

  18. 例如无地标特征,但需要进行迫降的情况。

    For example , the situation is that landing without landmark .

  19. 乘客们被告知要作好迫降的准备。

    The passengers were told to brace themselves for a crash landing .

  20. 第四架飞机在一艘荷兰拖网渔船旁迫降。

    The fourth aircraft was forced to land alongside a Dutch trawler .

  21. 建筑物迫降纠倾的施工监测与控制

    Monitor and Control on Construction to Rectify Tilt of Building

  22. 停车迫降中风速对四转弯改出高度的影响

    The effect of wind speed on the final turn altitude in dead-engine landing

  23. 飞机紧急迫降时请把高跟鞋脱掉。

    Please take off your high-heel shoes in an event of emergency landing .

  24. 为什么她比救援团其它人早几天迫降在小岛上?

    Why did she parachute to the island several days ahead of her crew ?

  25. 水面迫降虽然不愉快,却是容易掌握的手段。

    Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver .

  26. 坏消息是我们得迫降了。

    The bad news is we 're crash-landing .

  27. 飞机在海上迫降后,乘客奋力朝海滩游去。

    The passengers swam for the shore when their aeroplane landed in the sea .

  28. 在他的妈妈发生早产迹象后,这架客机转飞到孟买机场迫降。

    The flight was diverted to Mumbai after his mother went into premature labour .

  29. 某型轰炸机空滑迫降分析

    Forced landing analysis of some kind bomber

  30. 该飞机因为引擎故障紧急迫降于河床。

    The aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing because of an engine failure .