
  • 网络Urgent task;True Crime
  1. 在一个潜伏着灾难的时代,在一个存在着意识形态冲突但能迅速进行交流的时代,我们最迫切的任务是去打破表面上看来不可抗拒的历史规律。

    In an age of potential nuclear cataclysm , in an age of instant communication amidst ideological conflict , our most urgent task is to overcome these apparently iron law of history .

  2. 当前IC行业的迅速发展使得研制新型高速精密定位机构成为十分迫切的任务。

    With the quickly development of the IC industry , it is necessary to study a novel high speed and high precision positioning mechanism .

  3. 建立符合我国实际情况的VOIP网络结构与发展自己的VOIP终端设备成为了一个迫切的任务。

    How to setup one set of VOIP network architecture and to develop the VOIP terminal devices suitable for our country have been the exigent and valuable question .

  4. 发展EHF频段卫星通信系统,提高射频设备性能是我国当前非常迫切的任务之一。

    Developing the EHF band satellite communication systems and improving the performance of RF devices is one of the urgent tasks in China .

  5. 随着电力体制改革的日益深入和电力系统信息化建设的加速发展,建立火电厂厂级监视信息系统(SIS),从而实现火电厂综合自动化,即管控一体化已经成为一项十分迫切的任务。

    With the implementing of electric power system innovation and development of power system information , it is becoming an extremely urgent duty to establish the power plant Supervisory Information System ( SIS ), and realize the power plant synthesis automation .

  6. 当前马克思主义学说发展最迫切的任务是什么?

    What is the most urgent task of the development at present ?

  7. 因此,寻找一种新的检测方法成为迫切的任务。

    Therefore , finding a new detection method is an urgent task .

  8. 现在对于我们最迫切的任务是英语聊天。

    The most urgent task for us now is to study English chat .

  9. 这是一个迫切的任务,但是这并没有捷径。

    The task is urgent & but this must not lead to short-cuts .

  10. 反腐败是一项非常迫切的任务。

    Fighting against corruption is a very pressing task .

  11. 因此,建设新型行政问责文化成为一项迫切的任务。

    Therefore , the construction of new administrative accountability culture becomes a urgent task .

  12. 因此无功补偿和谐波治理已经是一项迫切的任务。

    There is no po w-er compensation and harmonic control is an urgent task .

  13. 湖泊富营养化的控制是一项十分重要、十分复杂,同时又是十分迫切的任务。

    The control of lake eutrophication is a urgent task that is very important and complicated .

  14. 汽车尾气治理是当前我国环保部门和汽车行业一项十分迫切的任务。

    Automobile exhaust refinement is an urgent task for our environment protection department and automobile industries .

  15. 研制小型化,低成本,低功耗的微波电路已成为一项迫切的任务。

    Miniaturization , low cost and low power loss of microwave circuits becomes an urgent task .

  16. 因此,在锚杆支护的锚固工程中,对锚杆锚固质量的检测研究成为一项十分必要和迫切的任务。

    So the research of testing way of anchorage system is a necessary and stringent task .

  17. 总之,对于科学道德失范问题的研究和科学道德建设已成为一项迫切的任务,具有重要的时代意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to study the problem of scientific morality and construct scientific morality .

  18. 作为教师专业支撑的课程能力的发展已成为一项迫切的任务。

    The development of curriculum ability as a support of teachers ' specialty becomes an urgent task .

  19. 为了全党和全国的需要,军事知识的通俗化,成为迫切的任务。

    The popularization of military knowledge is an urgent task for the Party and the whole country .

  20. 加强对研究生的挫折教育,已成为新时期研究生教育的一项非常重要而迫切的任务。

    It 's a significant and urgent task to strengthen the frustration education for the post-graduate students .

  21. 为此,开发一种高效的文档信息处理系统成为一项迫切的任务。

    Thus , it is the most urgent task to exploit a effective document information processing system .

  22. 这样做是为了促进学生学习,而学习应当是学生生活中迫切的任务。

    It is designed to make students study , which should be their immediate mission in life .

  23. 因此,我国山地旅游资源的开发在今后仍然是一项重要和及其迫切的任务。

    So the development of mountain tourism resources in our country is still a major and urgent task .

  24. (事实证明这种规划方法对人类的生活环境产生了恶劣的影响)在设计中不断调整人与环境的关系,以求得人与自然达到真正的协调已成为现代景观设计人员的一项迫切的任务。

    Make the harmonious relationship between human and environment have become an urgent task for modern Landscape Architect .

  25. 对复杂产品系统设计自动化与智能化的研究是一个十分迫切的任务。

    So the research and development of design automation and intelligent design system of CEM products is necessitous .

  26. 因此,中国实现现代化的关键是实现三农现代化,解决三农问题不仅是中国全部工作的重中之重,更是一项十分重要而迫切的任务。

    Therefore , the key to realizing modernization in China is to achieve modernization in these three areas .

  27. 全民道德建设已成为当代中国十分迫切的任务,尤其是民众公共道德的建设。

    The morality construction in China has been a very imminent task , especially the public morality construction .

  28. 如何提高静压推力轴承的刚度是目前非常迫切的任务之一。

    How to improve the stiffness of hydrostatic thrust bearing is one of the most urgent missions now .

  29. 而对该系统的开发过程进行管理就成为当前一个严峻而迫切的任务。

    Therefore , it has become a hard but urgent task to manage the process of developing the system .

  30. 因此,无线通讯网络性能的理论分析和应用研究是非常现实又迫切的任务。

    Therefore , the research on theory and application of wireless communication network is a realistic and urgent task .