
  1. 科学抽象法,马克思获得概念的方法。

    Scientific abstract , the method of obtaining concepts .

  2. 马克思研究经济问题所采用的科学抽象法,对研究社会主义经济问题也是适用的。

    Scientific abstraction was the usual way that Marx studied economic problems , and it is also applicable to the study of socialist economic problems .

  3. 本文采用了文献调查法、比较法和科学抽象法,对应用模式的相关问题进行了研究。

    In this paper , such study is conducted . Document investigation method , comparison method and scientific abstract method are used in this paper .

  4. 本文讨论了物理化学中的几种研究方法,如科学抽象法、理想模型法、本质揭示法、极限外推法、相对数值法和控制变量法等。

    This paper discussed a few research method about physical chemistry , such as scientific abstract , ideal mode , essential show , limit inference , relative number , variable control and so on .

  5. 科学的抽象法是与辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义紧密相连的。

    Scientific abstract magic art is linked together cheek by jowl with dialectical materialism , historical materialism .

  6. 在写作的过程中,主要运用马克思主义唯物辩证法,即科学的抽象法和逻辑与历史相统一的方法,而且借鉴和运用了实证研究和规范研究相结合的方法。

    During the course of writing , the thesis mainly employs Marxist materialist dialect , that is , the scientific abstract ways combined with logical and historical ways .