
  1. 充满生机和科学机遇的磷化学研究

    Phosphorus Chemistry , A Field Full of Vitality and Scientific Opportunities

  2. 本文评述了国家基础研究重点规划(973)项目剧烈太阳活动与空间灾害天气的研究进展、科学机遇和进一步努力方向。

    In this article , we have reviewed the scientific advances , opportunities and further working directions of the project of National Key Basic Research Science Foundation ( 973 ), explasive solar activity and disastrous space weather .

  3. 中国入世后法庭科学的机遇和挑战

    The Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Tribunal Science after China 's Accession to the WTO

  4. 社会科学的机遇与挑战&来自西部大开发的启示

    Opportunity and Challenge of Social Science & An Enlightenment Gained from the Development of the West

  5. 从反义RNA到RNA干扰:科学突破的机遇与创新

    From Antisense RNA to RNA Interference : an revolutionary breakthrough led by opportunity and innovation

  6. 21世纪:哲学社会科学面临的机遇与挑战

    Opportunity and challonge : social science in the 21st century

  7. 数理科学的发展机遇与使命&国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部20年工作简要回顾与展望

    Development opportunity and mission of mathematical and physical sciences

  8. 药物临床试验科学监管的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and challenges of scientific monitoring in clinical trials

  9. 对一些发展中国家的负面感受会不会妨碍它们在科学上的机遇。

    Will negative perceptions about some developing countries hamper their chances in science ?

  10. 物理学与材料科学结合的机遇与挑战

    Interface between physics and Materials Science

  11. 随着北京方面投入大量资源、寻求将中国经济打造得更具创新性和高附加值,中国生命科学领域的机遇快速增多,将他们吸引回国。

    They have been drawn home by rapidly improving opportunities in China 's life science sector as Beijing pumps resources into its quest for a more innovative , high-value economy .

  12. 展望科学前沿探索中国机遇&21世纪科学前沿与中国的机遇高层论坛综述

    A summary of the Forum on Science Frontiers and china 's opportunities in the 21st century

  13. 信息学的发展,给生命科学带来新的机遇和挑战,产生了多学科交叉的生物信息学。

    The development of information technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to life sciences and given birth to an interdisciplinary subject : bioinformatics .