
kē xué yán jiū zì yóu
  • freedom of scientific research
  1. 试论科学研究自由权

    Study on Freedom of Scientific Research

  2. 科学研究自由具有双重性:作为思想自由,它是一项消极的权利;

    The freedom of scientific research is dualism : being a mental freedom , it is a negative right ;

  3. 科学研究自由权利研究

    Study on the Right of the Freedom of Scientific Research

  4. 法律的目的不是废除或限制科学研究自由,而是保护和扩大科学研究自由。

    Law aims at protecting and enlarging scientific research freedom , rather than limiting or depriving it .

  5. 从基本权利的功能角度而言,科学研究自由权具有消极防御权和积极给付请求权的双重功能。

    From its function , it is not only a defensive right but also a positive one .

  6. 宪法学考虑的是:克隆技术在多大程度上受到科学研究自由的保障和限制。

    What the constitution dealt with is what degree the clone technology was protected and restricted by freedom of scientific technology .

  7. 科学研究自由的法律评价兼议法律应否对科学研究设置禁区?加拿大情报公开法的制定过程及特点兼论对我国相关立法的启示

    Legal Appreciation of the Freedom of Scientific Research Activities The Formulation and Features of the Act of Freedom of Information in Canada & A Concurrent Study of Its Revelations on Our Country 's Legislation

  8. 作为积极的权利,它需要物质与制度条件的保障,由此决定了科技法律制度的基本价值取向应是保障科学研究自由。

    As a positive right , freedom of scientific research needs the guarantee of material and legal system . This determines that the basic value-orientation of science and technology legal system is to guarantee the freedom of scientific research .

  9. 科学研究自由权包括资料、信息的获取权、选择科学研究课题的自由权、研究自由、获得物质帮助和奖励权以及科研成果的发表权。

    The freedom of scientific research consists of the right to access to information , to choose freely the research subjects , to research freely , to obtain material assistance and award from the state and to express freely the result of research .