
  1. 在教育,健康和科研领域里。

    In the fields of education , health and research .

  2. 在那次意外后从尖端科研实验室里偷出来的

    Stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs after the incident ,

  3. 苏珊:希望我们在科研领域里的共同努力将获得成功。

    Susan : I hope our joint effort in scientific research will bring in successful results !

  4. 接下来的内容就讨论如何在一个大的科研团队里工作,这对作个成功的研究者非常重要。

    A later section discusses the process and importance of becoming part of a larger research community , which is a critical aspect of being a successful researcher .

  5. 小厂的科研可以由市里综合办,也可以由几个厂联合在一起搞。

    Small ones may conduct scientific research either according to unified city-wide plans or through joint efforts with other factories .